
Look at the doe I shot front side.at 35 yards, The bolt entered the left top shoulder, broke every rib on her left side, came out the back ham,and broke that bone,and stuck in a pine tree, 20 foot behind her still intact and usable after I cut it out of the tree.
The doe dropped in her tracks without taking a step.
bobthebowhunter said:
stik said:
overpriced. everybody i talked to that lost a deer at yuchi this weekend was shooting the rage.i know it was more shot placement than broadhead problems but...there are broadheads just as good for 2/3 the cost.

This is an incorrect statement in my opinion. I have not seen any broadhead do as much damage as these. They are overpriced for a reason. Because they are worth it. That being said if some can't put a good shot on a deer, then no broadhead will be effective.

and that's all it is, your opinion which you have every right to express but i stand by my post.
Another falls to the rage..