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Food Plots Rain chance

Well got .02 today and a total of about .08 for this whole front. Way off from what was even remotely forecasted. Wish I hadn't have used all that seed over seeding my dried up plots, hell i would have been happy with a quarter inch. At least it will settle the dust for a couple days but that will be about it.
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10" this month, we have been lucky and have had maybe had 4"
Amazing what a few miles difference makes this time of year. Sure needed this as the past two years have been tough on our clover.

Yesterday at my home in NW Alabama, we got over 6", camp 45 miles away got 2"
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Finally got a decent shower at the house. If anyone needs a rain dance, just park the boat outside. Worked like a charm.
Same and schedule an outdoor event. Missed all the rain we were supposed to get Thur and Fri. But schedule an outdoor event and move the boat out of the basement and get a decent rain. Glad to have it and found a last second dry spot for the boat so good to go.
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