It was 4 weeks Monday that I tilled and planted 50 lbs of crimson clover and 50 lbs of buck forage oats. Before then we'd had no rain for atleast 3 weeks or more and we had maybe .3 tenths of rain one day within the 4 weeks I planted. There's no way anything germinated. I reseeded 50 lbs of oats again and a bag of 7 card draw Tues anticipating the rain that was starting today. Luckily it started about 1pm today and has been a steady drizzle since then. This reseeding should make it take off. I'm hoping some of the clover I originally planted will take off as well as my plan is to extend my existing clover plot out to this for next year. Either way I'll broadcast 100 more lbs or so with a snow or heavy frost this winter.
Rain chances all through the weekend so I'll probably be planting my others plots next weekend. Latest I've ever gotten them in but better late than never I guess.
Rain chances all through the weekend so I'll probably be planting my others plots next weekend. Latest I've ever gotten them in but better late than never I guess.