Reinventing the wheel

Also, burning a spot, overpressuting it, etc., that is a part of actual hunting. Being in the woods and learning. I don't need a camera to tell me to not hunt scrapes, no matter how great they look or the sign around them. I have hunted them enough and have killed a few nice bucks near them, using them or just happened to be in the area, but in my hunting experience, bucks don't frequent them in the daylight. I still say having the camera there (yes much is learned from them) but to me the camera is doing the hunting, the hunter is just following what the camera tells him. I will say another reason I don't care for them is because it is a large number of great bucks I see that people get pics of, but not only do they not kill them, they never see them. I am sure cameras have saved many bucks lives and I do my best to stay out of where I hunt unless I am actually hunting.

And there are 2 sides to the following, you get a great buck (a giant, a record class animal, the best you have ever seen, etc.) on camera, so you pass up everything but that buck and you never see "the buck". Possibly passing up what would be great bucks to kill. And then you kill a buck but you get a bigger deer on camera after killing him and then you feel bad because you did not kill the biggest one (yes I have heard this many times).

I like to hunt and to me that means actually spending time in the woods, whether the time is small or I get tons of time, but I prefer what is NOT known and trying to figure the deer out, rather than depending on a camera. I will say the "cameras" can be incredible "hunters".
Cameras are showing 10 to 40 ft straight in front of them. That's it. Just because someone's gets a picture of a deer they still have to HUNT that deer. Cameras don't kill a deer for you. I also assume you don't use any other technology or that isn't real hunting either with your logic.

At the end of the day the dude asked for help and Cameras most certainly can help him.
Frustrated Power Rangers GIF by MOODMAN
Funny, that is what I think every time I am asked about deer hunting "what kind of pics are you getting?" and I say I don't use cameras. It is like I am one in a million. I know of a couple others that don't use cameras, but for sure in the minority. And I have no care to use a camera.
Some great advice here! I love trail cams. They make me want to scout more because of the reward/dopamine hit of getting pics. SO I'd say cams actually make me a better hunter since they help me spend even more time in the woods than I may normally. Id rank trail cams as my number 2 tool. Number 1 tool is bumping deer. There is NO substitute for walking your land until you bump deer. You are like a walking trail cam at that point. And it sounds like you already do this (even if by accident). When I was learning all this stuff I was bouncing around on public land so I would just blaze through the woods scouting and blow everything up. Marking all the spots I was bumping deer. Sometime in spots that I did assume held deer and other times I was shocked at the spots I'd blow a deer out of. The nice part was I could then hop to another piece of property after. You do not have that luxury here. So if you are feeling real crazy you could blaze through it right now and confirm or deny all suspicions, blow out bedding areas, etc (just soak yourself in permitherin first) or you could do the same strategy but wait till after this season as someone else suggested. I think if you scoured the property now, it would still have time to settle down before season. Either way I'd carry a backpack full of several trail cameras to hang in spots where you do end up blowing out deer or if you see a great old twisted licking branch or heavily used crossing etc. I should specify that once you really learn your property you do not need to be invasively walking around bumping deer every year. You can dial this back slowly as you learn the place. The scouting part is more exciting to me that hunting almost. Then when you get trail cam pics that confirm your hard work? Like Christmas morning sir!
Oh also you can do mineral and put a cam out (pretty sure thats still legal in Blount co). This is a solid was to see how many deer may be passing through and using your farm and would be way less invasive than the above strategy. Would you ever try any food plot etc? I know nothing about this but I know lots of folks on here do.
I am one that uses cameras but could also be fine not using cameras. I use them for inventory purposes, obviously, but I don't rely on a camera. I know it's only getting a 50' snapshot of an area and while hunting have seen deer that never went by a camera that I never would've known was there if I wasn't there.
Biggest deer I ever killed I had pics of in August and not a pic after that. I seen him 3 times while hunting and was close to my cam/cams and just happened to not walk in front of it. I actually killed him when he was about 100 yards from one of my cams. I know some that rely heavily on them and won't hunt if they don't have a good deer on cam. I run mine because I just like seeing what's out there if it happens to come by.
I also know that mature bucks will avoid cameras, cameras of any kind. Mature bucks are really good at avoiding humans.
I also know that mature bucks will avoid cameras, cameras of any kind. Mature bucks are really good at avoiding humans.
2nd only to bigfoot in their ability to avoid cameras I guess??? Geez dude, give it a break! If it blows smoke up your butt to not use cameras, then Im happy for you! Watch your step getting down off that high horse you are on, we wouldnt want you to fall and not be able to hunt this year!
2nd only to bigfoot in their ability to avoid cameras I guess??? Geez dude, give it a break! If it blows smoke up your butt to not use cameras, then Im happy for you! Watch your step getting down off that high horse you are on, we wouldnt want you to fall and not be able to hunt this year!
Just like democrats, not allowed to disagree or you get made fun of, called out, etc. Actually kind of funny that I am made fun of for not using cameras or people look at me like am an alien or something.
Just like democrats, not allowed to disagree or you get made fun of, called out, etc. Actually kind of funny that I am made fun of for not using cameras or people look at me like am an alien or something.
Brother I haven't seen a single person here make fun of you for not using cameras. I see quite the opposite in fact, YOU are the one who keeps HAMMERING everybody that does use them like you're some kind of special gift to deer killing or something. Like I said, be careful getting down off that horse your'e riding, its a long way up there and we don't want you to fall!
Just like democrats, not allowed to disagree or you get made fun of, called out, etc. Actually kind of funny that I am made fun of for not using cameras or people look at me like am an alien or something.
Just like a democrats to call anyone using them a not a real hunter or fisherman using ffs not a real fisherman. And since you got push back you try to turn something not political into something political. What a joke.
Glad most of this camera discussion has been green striped for me! Use cameras, don't use cameras. Whatever works for you.

I was a successful hunter before cameras and I'm a more successful hunter with cameras. But not because cameras told me to hunt this buck at this time from this stand. Cameras simply taught me more about deer behavior, and I used that knowledge to be a more effective hunter. They are an incredible learning tool. However, if someone doesn't want to use that learning tool, more power to them. Kind of like fish finders. Personally, I've never used one (because I did most of my fishing before the modern versions came out), but I bet I would have been an even more successful fisherman with them.

But for those who think scouting will teach you everything you need to know about deer behavior, I beg to differ.