Return of the Archery Only Season in December?

TNDeerGuy said:
Andy S. said:
Knothead said:
Best chance to take a mature whitetail buck is during 'full blown rut'. How much better could it get than to be able to do so with a bow??

I didn't think so........ ;)
I am not sure I follow your post knothead, please elaborate.

I believe he is making a sarcastic reference to how loud the gun toting crowd would be screaming and crying if gun season was closed during the rut and you must hunt the rut with archery equipment like is done in many of the "trophy" states like Illinois, Kansas, about selfish. :crazy: LOL

No. Sorry if I wasn't clear. It was not sarcasm.
Andy S. said in his reply:

"This is one of the last things I would ever desire, especially for SW TN, the area I hunt. We are usually in full blown rut here at that point (first two weeks of Dec.) and the last thing I want is to be restricted to bow only."

What I was intending to convey is the idea that, this being the case, how cool it would be to be fortunate enough to take a trophy buck with a bow, the one time of the year when your chances are higher than average to do so. Oh sure, it's cool to do that with a gun, but 'bragging rights' are more substantial when accomplished with archery.
Some folks look upon bow hunters as selfish, and perhaps, to a certain degree, we can be. But if you have ever hunted with stick and string, you know it is a more demanding sport. Thus, I think it is human nature to be a little more demanding. I dont think it is an intentional selfish demand. I think we all tend to take it way too personal and forget to just enjoy the sport and the privilege we have to be able to hunt.
Sorry I wasn't clear. Whatever method you choose, I hope you are successful and enjoy the time afield. That is, afterall, what we should do.
TNDeerGuy said:
Beekeeper said:
TNDeerGuy said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:

Would anyone be interested in making Muzzle Loader season Muzzle Loader only with no archery allowed?

Would anyone be interested in making Gun season Gun only with no archery or Muzzle Loaders allowed?

Apples to bananas, right there.
I don't think so. [color:#FF0000]Now we have an archery only season that excludes any other type of weapon.[/color] What would make a gun only or a MZ only season different?

Actually, your statement is not quite correct�over 1/3 of the "exclusive" season, as you called it, is open for "run and gun" fall turkey season. That may not be a problem for the private landowners, but it is a different ball game for the people that hunt public land.
Actually, your statement is not quite correct either - only some counties are open for fall turkey, there are many counties that are not

Oh for heaven's sake...really�many counties??? Fall shotgun turkey season is open statewide, [color:#FF0000]except for 17 counties[/color], for two weeks preceding the first young sportsman hunt.
Sorry, none of the counties I hunt in have a fall Turkey.

Have you ever thought about an Archery only lease?
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
I wish I could find an "archery only" lease. That would be the ideal world!
Seems as if several folks would like to just Bow Hunt so why don't you all get together and start one?

Easier said than done, Beekeeper. Have you tried looking for a lease lately?
I help run a 4800 acre lease in Rhea County.
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
I wish I could find an "archery only" lease. That would be the ideal world!
Seems as if several folks would like to just Bow Hunt so why don't you all get together and start one?

Easier said than done, Beekeeper. Have you tried looking for a lease lately?
I help run a 4800 acre lease in Rhea County.

Southeast TN is very different from us up here in Mid TN. Unfortunately, in Middle TN it is not that easy, and if you do find land to lease you will either pay through the nose for it, plus a few body parts, and/or have a very substantial drive to get to it�not easy to do either when you have a family of small children.
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
I wish I could find an "archery only" lease. That would be the ideal world!
Seems as if several folks would like to just Bow Hunt so why don't you all get together and start one?

Easier said than done, Beekeeper. Have you tried looking for a lease lately?
I help run a 4800 acre lease in Rhea County.

Well, that's good. But thats not anywhere close to me. Probably a little easier to lease land in Rhea county than it is in Williamson County, or other middle TN counties.
Knothead said:
Probably a little easier to lease land in Rhea county than it is in Williamson County, or other middle TN counties.

i wouldn't bet on that. rhea and meigs counties have some of the highest per acre deer populations in the state. and big river bottom bucks too.
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
I wish I could find an "archery only" lease. That would be the ideal world!
Seems as if several folks would like to just Bow Hunt so why don't you all get together and start one?

Easier said than done, Beekeeper. Have you tried looking for a lease lately?
I help run a 4800 acre lease in Rhea County.

Well, that's good. But thats not anywhere close to me. Probably a little easier to lease land in Rhea county than it is in Williamson County, or other middle TN counties.
Never said it would be easy. If you want something you should be willing to put forth the effort and work for it, not expect others to give up something just to help you get what you want. JMHO
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
I wish I could find an "archery only" lease. That would be the ideal world!
Seems as if several folks would like to just Bow Hunt so why don't you all get together and start one?

Easier said than done, Beekeeper. Have you tried looking for a lease lately?
I help run a 4800 acre lease in Rhea County.

Well, that's good. But thats not anywhere close to me. Probably a little easier to lease land in Rhea county than it is in Williamson County, or other middle TN counties.
Never said it would be easy. If you want something you should be willing to put forth the effort and work for it, not expect others to give up something just to help you get what you want. JMHO

Geez Beekeeper!! Take a chill pill, Dude!! I dont expect anyone to give up a single thing!! I am not looking for a handout from anyone.
Man, how about a little sensitivity training? :crazy: ;)
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
I wish I could find an "archery only" lease. That would be the ideal world!
Seems as if several folks would like to just Bow Hunt so why don't you all get together and start one?

Easier said than done, Beekeeper. Have you tried looking for a lease lately?
I help run a 4800 acre lease in Rhea County.

Well, that's good. But thats not anywhere close to me. Probably a little easier to lease land in Rhea county than it is in Williamson County, or other middle TN counties.
Never said it would be easy. If you want something you should be willing to put forth the effort and work for it, not expect others to give up something just to help you get what you want. JMHO

Geez Beekeeper!! Take a chill pill, Dude!! I dont expect anyone to give up a single thing!! I am not looking for a handout from anyone.
Man, how about a little sensitivity training? :crazy: ;)
Sorry, I do get a little direct and to the point sometimes. Don't take it personal. :)
Sorry but land availability in Rhea county is apples and oranges to Middle TN.

IMO I would like to see a break during rifle as in years past but more for just giving the deer a break.
It seems to me, if you want to kill a buck during the peak of the rut with abow, why not just pick up your bow and go hunting? I know several people who do and they don't seem to be all upset.

If it were up to me, as I have said many times, I would have one season from Oct. 1-Jan 1 and you use whatever equipment you want.
bowriter said:
It seems to me, if you want to kill a buck during the peak of the rut with abow, why not just pick up your bow and go hunting? I know several people who do and they don't seem to be all upset.

If it were up to me, as I have said many times, I would have one season from Oct. 1-Jan 1 and you use whatever equipment you want.

Bingo!!! Bowhunters are always wanting their own seasons?
stik said:
buzz mcmanus said:
I would, but if anything, I see bowhunters continuing to lose more and more archery only seasons in TN. That's been the trend the past few years.

sept 22-nov 2(excluding 2 day juvy hunt) is 40 days of archery only hunting. and the entire season is open to archery hunting from sept 22 to jan excluding the juvy hunts. bowhunters, of which i am one, get plenty of time.

redblood said:
stik said:
buzz mcmanus said:
I would, but if anything, I see bowhunters continuing to lose more and more archery only seasons in TN. That's been the trend the past few years.

sept 22-nov 2(excluding 2 day juvy hunt) is 40 days of archery only hunting. and the entire season is open to archery hunting from sept 22 to jan excluding the juvy hunts. bowhunters, of which i am one, get plenty of time.

Amen x2!

Man that would really suck Bowriter if they did the season you propose. Everything would be nocturnal by rut...even the squirrels lol! The woods would be a ghost town during daylight time.