Return of the Archery Only Season in December?

I would love me some more bow only time. The month we have to hunt is just too hot, I'll trade with the muzzleload season.
I STILL hunt archery only in December. And November and October and September and January.

Who cares if there are gun hunters out there with me? May the best hunter win!!!

I do hate wearing that orange though.

Makes me look old.

When the gunnies come out, the deer go deep. And so do I!
102 said:
I STILL hunt archery only in December. And November and October and September and January.

Who cares if there are gun hunters out there with me? May the best hunter win!!!

I do hate wearing that orange though.

Makes me look old.

When the gunnies come out, the deer go deep. And so do I!

X2 on the orange
You can look at it this way....not everyone on here has the chance or opportunity to hunt privately managed land�alot of us must settle for public land. The idea of bow hunting is to get as close as you can to the animal. A bowhunter's chances are drastically lowered when when someone else comes in the area like a turkey hunter comes in trying to locate a turkey, or a gun hunter comes in trying his best Elmer Fudd impersonation of a "spot and stalk"�who is at the disadvantage there? Many times it is not the "selfish" cop-out excuse, that is extremely overused by the way, it is providing us archers a fair opportunity to harvest an animal due to the limitaions of the weapon.

Could you imagine swapping the dates around�gun opens in September and closes the weekend before Thanksgiving and archery only begins the weekend before Thanksgiving and runs through the first weekend of would be able to hear the complaining and squealing about unfairness and selfishness all the way in outer space. :)
TNDeerGuy said:
Many times it is not the "selfish" cop-out excuse, that is extremely overused by the way, it is providing us archers a fair opportunity to harvest an animal due to the limitations of the weapon.
Don't get me wrong. I bow hunt in Bow season, Muzzle Load hunt in MZ season and Gun hunt in Gun season.

The limitations that you mention are self imposed in all seasons except for Bow only season. If you are Bow hunting because of the extra challenge, what could be more challenging than taking a Mature Whitetail during Gun season with a Bow?
I am a die hard bow hunter and when they took that week away and opened gun up do like i did turned my one and only lease into bow only all year and boy has it payed off in the end.when all the neighbors are blasting away they come running to my little quite paradise
Andy S. said:
UTGrad said:
Would anybody like to see the return of the archery only week in December?
No. This is one of the last things I would ever desire, especially for SW TN, the area I hunt. We are usually in full blown rut here at that point (first two weeks of Dec.) and the last thing I want is to be restricted to bow only.

Best chance to take a mature whitetail buck is during 'full blown rut'. How much better could it get than to be able to do so with a bow??

I didn't think so........ ;)
Beekeeper said:

Would anyone be interested in making Muzzle Loader season Muzzle Loader only with no archery allowed?

Would anyone be interested in making Gun season Gun only with no archery or Muzzle Loaders allowed?

Apples to bananas, right there.
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:

Would anyone be interested in making Muzzle Loader season Muzzle Loader only with no archery allowed?

Would anyone be interested in making Gun season Gun only with no archery or Muzzle Loaders allowed?

Apples to bananas, right there.
I don't think so. Now we have an archery only season that excludes any other type of weapon. What would make a gun only or a MZ only season different?
Hmm fair ooportunity to kill an animal with a bow. Looking around my office,it seems to me most of the big heads I have are bow kills. Now I truthfully can't recall if gun season was open where I was when I killed them or not. I'm pretty sure it was in some places.

I do know I killed nine deer last year. Four with a bow (longest shot was 32-yds), four with a rifle and one with a mzl. I also missed one with a bow. I could have killed two of the deer I killed with a rifle, with a bow and maybe one I didn't shoot with a mzl. So it seems that it was pretty evenly spread out. Even though my neighbors on all sides hunt. Best I can tell, it helps me considerably.

I know through the years, regardless of the season, if I wanted to bow hunt, I did if it was legal. For a period during the 90's, I did not gun hunt.

I just can't see where bow hunters have lost a dang thing. If I had my druthers, I'd just have a deer season from Oct. 1-Jan.1, shoot whatever you want.
reloadxx said:
I am a die hard bow hunter and when they took that week away and opened gun up do like i did turned my one and only lease into bow only all year and boy has it payed off in the end.when all the neighbors are blasting away they come running to my little quite paradise
Great Idea!
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:

Would anyone be interested in making Muzzle Loader season Muzzle Loader only with no archery allowed?

Would anyone be interested in making Gun season Gun only with no archery or Muzzle Loaders allowed?

Apples to bananas, right there.
I don't think so. [color:#FF0000]Now we have an archery only season that excludes any other type of weapon.[/color] What would make a gun only or a MZ only season different?

Actually, your statement is not quite correct�over 1/3 of the "exclusive" season, as you called it, is open for "run and gun" fall turkey season. That may not be a problem for the private landowners, but it is a different ball game for the people that hunt public land.
TNDeerGuy said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:

Would anyone be interested in making Muzzle Loader season Muzzle Loader only with no archery allowed?

Would anyone be interested in making Gun season Gun only with no archery or Muzzle Loaders allowed?

Apples to bananas, right there.
I don't think so. [color:#FF0000]Now we have an archery only season that excludes any other type of weapon.[/color] What would make a gun only or a MZ only season different?

Actually, your statement is not quite correct�over 1/3 of the "exclusive" season, as you called it, is open for "run and gun" fall turkey season. That may not be a problem for the private landowners, but it is a different ball game for the people that hunt public land.
Actually, your statement is not quite correct either - only some counties are open for fall turkey, there are many counties that are not
Knothead said:
Best chance to take a mature whitetail buck is during 'full blown rut'. How much better could it get than to be able to do so with a bow??

I didn't think so........ ;)
I am not sure I follow your post knothead, please elaborate.
Beekeeper said:
TNDeerGuy said:
Beekeeper said:
Knothead said:
Beekeeper said:

Would anyone be interested in making Muzzle Loader season Muzzle Loader only with no archery allowed?

Would anyone be interested in making Gun season Gun only with no archery or Muzzle Loaders allowed?

Apples to bananas, right there.
I don't think so. [color:#FF0000]Now we have an archery only season that excludes any other type of weapon.[/color] What would make a gun only or a MZ only season different?

Actually, your statement is not quite correct�over 1/3 of the "exclusive" season, as you called it, is open for "run and gun" fall turkey season. That may not be a problem for the private landowners, but it is a different ball game for the people that hunt public land.
Actually, your statement is not quite correct either - only some counties are open for fall turkey, there are many counties that are not

Oh for heaven's sake...really�many counties??? Fall shotgun turkey season is open statewide, [color:#FF0000]except for 17 counties[/color], for two weeks preceding the first young sportsman hunt.
Andy S. said:
Knothead said:
Best chance to take a mature whitetail buck is during 'full blown rut'. How much better could it get than to be able to do so with a bow??

I didn't think so........ ;)
I am not sure I follow your post knothead, please elaborate.

I believe he is making a sarcastic reference to how loud the gun toting crowd would be screaming and crying if gun season was closed during the rut and you must hunt the rut with archery equipment like is done in many of the "trophy" states like Illinois, Kansas, about selfish. :crazy: LOL

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