Breathing ozone is dangerous, and it destroys rubber in an enclosed area very quickly. Not worth it to me.Anyone on here use the Ozonics thing you plug in the cigarette lighter? Do anything for you if you do?
Breathing ozone is dangerous, and it destroys rubber in an enclosed area very quickly. Not worth it to me.Anyone on here use the Ozonics thing you plug in the cigarette lighter? Do anything for you if you do?
I know I'm the black sheep on this topic but I pay absolutely zero attention to scent control…seriously! Throw on the camo, play with the dogs, drink coffee, pump gas on the way there, and sweat the whole way in. Has it cost me deer, maybe, would they have smelled me anyways, probably... for me I'd rather spend that time or energy scouting but To each his own and I think if something gives you confidence when hunting then by all means do it!
Honestly, as long as you play the wind right (IF there is a consistent wind that day), you could roll in dog poop before every hunt and it wouldn't matter.I know I'm the black sheep on this topic but I pay absolutely zero attention to scent control…seriously! Throw on the camo, play with the dogs, drink coffee, pump gas on the way there, and sweat the whole way in. Has it cost me deer, maybe, would they have smelled me anyways, probably... for me I'd rather spend that time or energy scouting but To each his own and I think if something gives you confidence when hunting then by all means do it!
What ingredients do you use to create your spray? I buy D/Code because it's about the only brand listing their ingredients (aqua, glycerin, silver complex), making me think they're at least transparent and accountable. Would be interested in putting my own stuff together thoI just use scent free All and run an empty load first before my clothes. I spray my dryer and the lent collector down and run it while my clothes are washing. Throw my clothes in a tote with some cut up cedars and get dressed once I get parked where I'm hunting if I'm not running late. I also make my own spray. In the last 4-5 years doing it I have not been blown at but have watched 2 scent check when the wind was high. I do not hunt the wind partly because I hunt public and it's ppl every which way anyways and 2 I call a lot, so If the buck is going to circle me anyways what's the point ? I see deer pretty much every hunt. Kill 2-4 bucks a year (quota).
Evercalm is legit.Another thing I do is use the stick of Evercalm on my boots!!I walk to my stands usually on old logging trails and Ive had quite alot of deer come right down the logging trail Ive just walked and wasnt spooked at all,so I sure believe in the Evercalm.Im not into most things on the market but I sure believe in the Evercalm ,although its pricey!
This ^^^^ trying to stay scent free is really, really hard . Even your breath smells play the wind !I used to be obsessed with scent reduction. However, as I've aged and gotten lazier, not so much. And my success has not declined. However, there are still a few practices I still follow. All hunting clothes are washed in scent-reducing soaps, air dried, and then stored in air-tight containers. Inner layers are washed again after every use. Mid-layers, maybe once every three or four uses. Outer layers are just sprayed down with scent-reducers after each hunt, but not rewashed. And when it comes to hunting, every stand on my property is in a spreadsheet listing the best wind directions to hunt that stand. I live by that. Now some stands, where deer could come from anywhere, can be hunted under any wind, as deer are just as likely to be downwind as upwind. But some stands are watching a particular feature, and I don't hunt them when my scent would be blowing towards that feature, only away from it.