Eh, sit back and let her blow. She's annoying to you but she's a critical member of the local herd because she alerts at every sense of danger. The old buck inside the cover is paying close attention. He won't come out until she calms down, which means the danger has passed. If you shoot her then you spook every deer in the area and reinforce to them that the danger was real. But if you let her clam down or leave, which might take awhile, then all other deer will also relax. Those loudmouth does snort & stomp and head bob at everything from raccoons to bobcats, coyotes, foxes, other deer, etc. Just because she blows doesn't mean every other deer immediately associates the sound with human danger. So let her blow. The other deer are used to it. When she leaves or calms down the big guy will feel ok to come out of the cover. I've seen it play out a hundred times just like that.