Scent when using Permanone/Repel


Well-Known Member
Nov 22, 2007
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If you spray it on your body and clothes does it not bother the deer? Or does it maybe act as a cover scent or even work against your scent control?

Just though of that question and thought I'd ask yall.
If you spray it on your body you will probably be spending time at the hospital instead of hunting. DO NOT USE ON SKIN. It's made for clothing only. Use it on all clothes, boots, hats etc. I can't smell the stuff, but it wouldn't matter, I'm a great believer in it. It's not loud smelling so I don't think it will matter that much.
I spray my clothing with Permenone a day or two ahead of my hunt and let it air out on the clothesline for a day .
I play the wind the best I can .
buckhorn40 said:
I don't use it when season opens.
i WILL NOT go into the woods until the first good frost without permanone.
as far as the smell goes, it has never been a problem for me.
I don't really care about the smell, I HATE mosquitos flying around my ears! Also ticks suck! Just use a good cover scent, or play the wind right and you don't have to worry about a thing.
I spray my clothes about a week before season opens and let them hang outside for a day. By opening morning you can hardly smell it.
There are several products out there that are like permanone, but have no smell, or at least not as much. One is called No More Stinking Bugs/Ticks. I think there is another one made by Sawyer that is not supposed to stink, too. Also, the Thermacell is the greatest thing ever if you hunt in mosquito beds like I do in W. Tenn. They make repellant pads now that have a fresh earth smell to cover any repellant smell there may be. Won't do anything for ticks, though, so still have to use permanone.