Season proclamation predictions

I think we will see a break in the gun season if not this year then next. Also would surprise me if they go straight wall cartridges this year or next either. If it were up to me I'd leave it completely alone except the stupid velvet hunt. But it's not and changes are coming. They wouldn't have had that waste of time meeting, the hand picked control group, or sent out all the serveys either imo. They are gearing up for change and wanted to see what kind of backlash they might have.
I think we will see a break in the gun season if not this year then next. Also would surprise me if they go straight wall cartridges this year or next either. If it were up to me I'd leave it completely alone except the stupid velvet hunt. But it's not and changes are coming. They wouldn't have had that waste of time meeting, the hand picked control group, or sent out all the serveys either imo. They are gearing up for change and wanted to see what kind of backlash they might have.
This was my fear and now I will reveal my real motivation. I recently purchased a 45-70 CVA Scout. Idea was to convert it to a smokeless ML. Talked to the guy and all I need to do is send him the barrel with money. Issue is if they allow straight walls this year I'll have spent an additional $4-500 to convert it and then I'll have to spend whatever it costs for powder and bullets.
So now my thought is to wait and see. I felt the same way. They did a whole lot of "studying" and work creating that survey. I agree with you they're probing us to see the reaction.

I hope they leave season and bag limits alone too. No need for a 1 buck limit or causing confusion on what season is open.
This was my fear and now I will reveal my real motivation. I recently purchased a 45-70 CVA Scout. Idea was to convert it to a smokeless ML. Talked to the guy and all I need to do is send him the barrel with money. Issue is if they allow straight walls this year I'll have spent an additional $4-500 to convert it and then I'll have to spend whatever it costs for powder and bullets.
So now my thought is to wait and see. I felt the same way. They did a whole lot of "studying" and work creating that survey. I agree with you they're probing us to see the reaction.

I hope they leave season and bag limits alone too. No need for a 1 buck limit or causing confusion on what season is open.

If I were a betting man I'd say you're safe. Going from a ML to a straight wall is an enormous leap. One glaring difference that can't be ignored is that with a ML you get one shot. Most straight walls are repeaters. Also with a ML you have to load the bullet into the muzzle and use a rod to push it down. Not the case with a straight wall. Therefore hunting with a straight wall is incomparable to a ML. Apples & oranges. Sure MLs have become very advanced and are accurate as any other rifle. But you still only get one shot before having to turn the gun up use a lot of movement to reload. I don't ever foresee a bridge to include straight walls into ML season. Would be hard to justify it with a straight face.
If I were a betting man I'd say you're safe. Going from a ML to a straight wall is an enormous leap. One glaring difference that can't be ignored is that with a ML you get one shot. Most straight walls are repeaters. Also with a ML you have to load the bullet into the muzzle and use a rod to push it down. Not the case with a straight wall. Therefore hunting with a straight wall is incomparable to a ML. Apples & oranges. Sure MLs have become very advanced and are accurate as any other rifle. But you still only get one shot before having to turn the gun up use a lot of movement to reload. I don't ever foresee a bridge to include straight walls into ML season. Would be hard to justify it with a straight face.
I agree with everything you posted but my understanding is other states have done this already. Some require it to be single shot or breach loaded is my understanding.

I could be wrong but pretty sure all these proclamations are based on what other states do.
If anyone is serious about going to straight-walled centerfire rifles as legal during what was "muzzeloader" season, then it's time to just entirely do away with the traditional "archery" season, and make whatever weapon one prefers be "legal" during a simple "deer" season?

We should be careful for what we demand, like allowing straight-walled centerfires or shotguns as legal during what was the muzzeloader season segment. That could put us on a fast track to a much shorter annual deer season, because hunters would suddenly all be using more efficient weapons.

I'll try to be neutral on this question, but,
would you prefer a continuance of what we have now, or,
a "deer season" beginning November 1st, closing December 15th,
but with the ability to use any weapon you prefer?
And a 1- buck limit might come with that as well.

The trade-off of legalizing more effective weapons than previously allowed during certain times, is quite simply the risk of a shorter deer season. Of course, if the goal is to eradicate the deer herd, as seems to be the case in some CWD-West TN counties, then you'll just start traditional archery season hunting with a centerfire rifle (if you so choose).

If we greatly reduce the statewide deer population, perhaps there will coincide a great reduction in the number of deer hunters, so it all works out in the wash?

Or, ultimately not many deer hunters, not many deer to hunt, but then, maybe the non-hunting public would just prefer to entirely do away with "sport" deer hunting, and turn deer herd "management" over entirely to government employees and government contracted sharp-shooters.

It behooves us to be careful for what we wish.
If anyone is serious about going to straight-walled centerfire rifles as legal during what was "muzzeloader" season, then it's time to just entirely do away with the traditional "archery" season, and make whatever weapon one prefers be "legal" during a simple "deer" season?

We should be careful for what we demand, like allowing straight-walled centerfires or shotguns as legal during what was the muzzeloader season segment. That could put us on a fast track to a much shorter annual deer season, because hunters would suddenly all be using more efficient weapons.

I'll try to be neutral on this question, but,
would you prefer a continuance of what we have now, or,
a "deer season" beginning November 1st, closing December 15th,
but with the ability to use any weapon you prefer?
And a 1- buck limit might come with that as well.

The trade-off of legalizing more effective weapons than previously allowed during certain times, is quite simply the risk of a shorter deer season. Of course, if the goal is to eradicate the deer herd, as seems to be the case in some CWD-West TN counties, then you'll just start traditional archery season hunting with a centerfire rifle (if you so choose).

If we greatly reduce the statewide deer population, perhaps there will coincide a great reduction in the number of deer hunters, so it all works out in the wash?

Or, ultimately not many deer hunters, not many deer to hunt, but then, maybe the non-hunting public would just prefer to entirely do away with "sport" deer hunting, and turn deer herd "management" over entirely to government employees and government contracted sharp-shooters.

It behooves us to be careful for what we wish.
So this thread, and the other thread that I just brought back up through my searching online has taken me down a rabbit hole, and I did some research. The states that allow primitive weapons during their muzzleloader season, still have archery and gun seasons. None of them did away with, the archery and gun season. There are 6 states that have primitive weapons seasons, from what I saw. Four of those six states touch Tennessee, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. There are other states, that have a general deer season, meaning any weapon, but most of those states are very rural and secluded with very low populations. Think Alaska, Idaho, places like that. No state with any Relevant population has just a general deer season, from what I can tell. I may have missed one or two, but for the most part, all states have either archery gun, muzzleloader, or archery gun, primitive weapons.
If I were a betting man I'd say you're safe. Going from a ML to a straight wall is an enormous leap. One glaring difference that can't be ignored is that with a ML you get one shot. Most straight walls are repeaters. Also with a ML you have to load the bullet into the muzzle and use a rod to push it down. Not the case with a straight wall. Therefore hunting with a straight wall is incomparable to a ML. Apples & oranges. Sure MLs have become very advanced and are accurate as any other rifle. But you still only get one shot before having to turn the gun up use a lot of movement to reload. I don't ever foresee a bridge to include straight walls into ML season. Would be hard to justify it with a straight face.
I agree with no straight Wall in M/L. If it does happen, it should be single shots only with Black Powder cartridges (rolling block, TC Encore/Contender, etc) - NO repeaters.
Have to give it a little time, but I think I like the AI idea. Not usually one to side with AI, but seems it got it right for the most part.
Changes are coming without a doubt. They wouldn't have gone to the extent they did for nothing. I'd just about bet some counties are gonna see a break in seasons. We did have that years ago in my county in the east. Not sure what the changes will look like. It's possible they implement some next year and more the following year or maybe all at once. It does seem it will be some across board and some county by county. If indeed it is all intended for the health of the herd I'd be ok. But you don't hire focus groups to make those changes. You hire focus groups to see what changes can be made with only profits in mind.
Think about it.. Straight wall is coming. They want them killed due to cwd slowly progressing.
They said on the video No to straight wall ML.

i hate that in CWD zone (which goes away and becomes West Deer Managment Zone) that they are bringing back ML season — said that is what hunters want. I like that gun season opened at first of November and we haven't had to ML. We hunt mostly ag fields, and I'd much prefer to shoot a rifle at 200 yards than an ML. And the data shows that hunters have not been killing more deer with all of the CWD regulations including rifle beginning when archery is over.