Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

beating a dead horse wtf GIF
Just making sure this doesn't die 😂
Yes Sir, this one is one for the record books.
I can def tell FS that the old school, hunt wild deer guys out number the pet deer' shooters around here. Lmao
The funniest part is that they can't seem to comprehend our thoughts on the matter.
Cripes, they've called us liars, cheaters, and posers, just for saying that we don't agree with the MO.

Whatever cranks your tractor. I guess some guys just care about those likes and shares, and the memories, hard work, etc aren't what matters.

Some of y'all have let this one slip thru the playground equipment and tulip beds, better step up on your surveillance systems guys.

Man I couldn't imagine trying to pattern that deer. It would be near impossible knowing which lawn service he would be running from on what day. Or are they even afraid of such?Sure wish I had a source for that info..
Jeez... im having trouble with this personally now...

My family owns a small vacant wooded property that borders a high class subdivision. Loaded with suburban deer. One of the subdivision lot homeowners just contacted me this evening that a crew has moved onto our property, set up stands and cornpiles and has started hunting. He is all upset because he feeds the pet deer on his backyard and likes to photograph them (he used to be a BIG hunter, but now is closing in on 70 and just likes to take pictures). Never had this kind of trouble before... and we've owned this property over 35 years... maybe just a coincidence.
Sounds to me like you're sitting on a marketing gold mine there, mega. Kick these interlopers off, holler at seek one & make them pay you a percentage of whatever they monetize from the video. Then we'll all go to work and it'll be the most watched hunting video on the YouTube and you be rich. So much "smashing that subscribe button" we'll break the algorithm
Jeez... im having trouble with this personally now...

My family owns a small vacant wooded property that borders a high class subdivision. Loaded with suburban deer. One of the subdivision lot homeowners just contacted me this evening that a crew has moved onto our property, set up stands and cornpiles and has started hunting. He is all upset because he feeds the pet deer on his backyard and likes to photograph them (he used to be a BIG hunter, but now is closing in on 70 and just likes to take pictures). Never had this kind of trouble before... and we've owned this property over 35 years... maybe just a coincidence.
In Tennessee?
If what he said is actually happening, report them to twra for hunting over bait.
Sounds to me like you're sitting on a marketing gold mine there, mega. Kick these interlopers off, holler at seek one & make them pay you a percentage of whatever they monetize from the video. Then we'll all go to work and it'll be the most watched hunting video on the YouTube and you be rich. So much "smashing that subscribe button" we'll break the algorithm
It's a moneymaker alright... going to be a high dollar subdivision for the rich and famous (well...maybe not so much) one day. But camping out and hunting on my 40 acres surrounded by subdivisions without my permission just isn't going to be tolerated.

Funny thing is... before this evening, i would have let any respectful person hunt this property for free ( with insurance) had they asked since i have no desire to kill the deer and turkeys there... but since they didn't, I'm going to now have to go in and claim a few treestands for my hunting farms a couple hours away. I didn't really consider how much it would upset my subdivision lot neighboring landowners until one called me personally this evening.

To them, it becomes VERY personal when you have fed a buck year after year in your backyard, watched him grow up, taken family photos with him in the background, talked to him most mornings with your morning coffee, then someone the next property over sticks an arrow through his chest. Even though the deer isn't owned by anyone, it's heartbreaking for the one who has fed him for years to lose him like that. I had a little understanding of this theoretically... which is why I have never hunted deer in my backyard.... but after hearing this neighboring landowner tell stories and names of his deer... its down right heartbreaking.... and this is coming from a hardcore deer killer....
In Tennessee?
If what he said is actually happening, report them to twra for hunting over bait.
Put the word out they have 2 weeks to remove all stands, cameras, bait, etc. After that whatever remains is mine and sherriffs dept and twra is on the prowl.

Best part... the older fellow who feeds the deer that borders me offered up 1000 acres he owns that is unhunted 30 min farther to the west. I don't really care about the deer... but its supposedly loaded with turkeys :) soybean farmer told him 2 'giant' bucks are on it.... I laughed and told him thanks, but I just want to turkey hunt it!
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I listened to Don higgins pod cast lastnight . Don kills giants. Most of the talk was about the bashing he takes.
When u put yourself out there the public hits you none stop. Really gets old .
Those guys will probably see this and I can't figure why we eat our own.
Granny said if u can't say something nice , well you know.
I listened to Don higgins pod cast lastnight . Don kills giants. Most of the talk was about the bashing he takes.
When u put yourself out there the public hits you none stop. Really gets old .
Those guys will probably see this and I can't figure why we eat our own.
Granny said if u can't say something nice , well you know.
Or, you can call bs when you see it.

Wake me up when Seek posts a video of them going back to that location and shooting some does that does a little more for the population control that they try to sell to landowners.

Not impressed with shooting someone's pet deer. Sorry if you are.
Or, you can call bs when you see it.

Wake me up when Seek posts a video of them going back to that location and shooting some does that does a little more for the population control that they try to sell to landowners.

Not impressed with shooting someone's pet deer. Sorry if you are.
Allright then.

Some of y'all have let this one slip thru the playground equipment and tulip beds, better step up on your surveillance systems guys.

ok fam, serious q, how does this man get so many deer chilling in his front yard? How did they get so used to people?

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