Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

Videos out. Pretty entertaining and what a buck!

"We need a hello kitty sticker!" - Hilarious quote from the video. and hilarious car for a deer hunter, great way to blend in with nashville LIBBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! we GOTTA love our LIBS! damn good video, i would love to do this, how do we?
When u put yourself out there the public hits you none stop. Really gets old .
So don't put yourself out there. Hunt for the right reasons, not because you need attention. If it really got old these youtube attention whores would learn to enjoy some privacy.
ok fam, serious q, how does this man get so many deer chilling in his front yard? How did they get so used to people?
With all that snow showing, I imagine they're even more challenged to find a sustained food source.
You start when they're fawns, and they learn about handouts pretty quickly.
Would you classify his deer as a 15 pointer (do you count split G1s? I did and got 15 points total)
-I got 8 on the right
-I got 7 on the left
what you all count? (To be counted a point, the projection must be at least one inch long)
Re the points, They all look like 1 inch to me


The best spots are larger country acre 'estates' with 2 or 3 acres, $5,000,000 houses, and a backyard that backs up to Percy Warner Park, Radnor lake, or any decent sized bedding cover of 5 to 40 acres controlled by the city, county, or state with no hunting. The very best spots have fruit trees or gardens in the backyard (the landowners get tired of the deer eating their home grown veggies). Buffer zones along creeks are also travel highways. Secure permission by telling the landowners how terrible overpopulation of deer herds is for their health, how they starve from lack of food, and how important population control is. Then blast all the areas you secure permission on with cell cameras to locate a buck over 160in and kill him. Pray he dies on the property you have permission to hunt.

I had a buddy doing this way back in the early 90's... He killed over 20 P&Y bucks in a few years, best was 197" and IIRC 5 over 170". Back then, noone was doing this, so deer were reaching maturity. But there is a LOT more pressure there now, and it's hard for those 140in 3.5 y/os to get a pass from most, so bucks over 170" are not as common as they used to be.
and when you make it all about a number for the views, this is what happens!!!
I watched the entire video and must say I did not enjoy it, but it was not what I was expecting either. Definitely not in a great neighborhood and not in someone's "yard".
I listened to Don higgins pod cast lastnight . Don kills giants. Most of the talk was about the bashing he takes.
When u put yourself out there the public hits you none stop. Really gets old .
Those guys will probably see this and I can't figure why we eat our own.
Granny said if u can't say something nice , well you know.
It's seems to be a different kind of "bashing" that Don takes. He has strong opinions, such as not using mechanical broadheads, not hunting a stand when the wind is wrong, etc. Anytime you voice strong opinions publicly, expect some strongly voiced opposition.
So what? Which is more impressive, sitting 50 times to kill a big pet or sitting 50 times in the mountains of East TN to kill a 110-inch 3 1/2 year-old buck? The mountain buck (and the hunter who killed it) impresses me. The one shooting a suburban monster doesn't.

But hey, to each their own. I don't begrudge those guys one bit for killing what they can kill. Or even for making a living at it. But don't expect me to be impressed. In fact, I'll show my old butt-hole self by going out on limb and saying I think this is an embarrassment to hunting. But that's just my very unpopular opinion.
Dadgum!!! Where up here on the upper east side can I find a 110" buck?? That's a whopper for us
Great footage and shot placement. The thing that jumps out to me is the ability to pick a tree in the woods "in August" in a drought year where a flock of turkeys come to a 10'x10' area and scratches around until they cut the footage, then have a 190" buck come to same general area and smell around the ground until he gets an arrow. Talk about good fortune, that kind of luck is hard to come by for most.
I watched the entire video and must say I did not enjoy it, but it was not what I was expecting either. Definitely not in a great neighborhood and not in someone's "yard".
I actually liked this one.
Much more "hunt" looking than the previous videos of theirs I have watched.
I liked the end where they are all just hanging out, even seen ole @catman529
His name escapes me at the moment but they asked what did you kill today?
This busch light. :D
I know he is a member here but my memory is about as useful as @gasman
I actually liked this one.
Much more "hunt" looking than the previous videos of theirs I have watched.
I liked the end where they are all just hanging out, even seen ole @catman529
His name escapes me at the moment but they asked what did you kill today?
This busch light. :D
I know he is a member here but my memory is about as useful as @gasman
I did not realize that was Catman529, but I did chuckle when he said that about the Busch light😀
Thought he was an IPA man!
I actually liked this one.
Much more "hunt" looking than the previous videos of theirs I have watched.
I liked the end where they are all just hanging out, even seen ole @catman529
His name escapes me at the moment but they asked what did you kill today?
This busch light. :D
I know he is a member here but my memory is about as useful as @gasman
@bigasports bush light killer!
Great footage and shot placement. The thing that jumps out to me is the ability to pick a tree in the woods "in August" in a drought year where a flock of turkeys come to a 10'x10' area and scratches around until they cut the footage, then have a 190" buck come to same general area and smell around the ground until he gets an arrow. Talk about good fortune, that kind of luck is hard to come by for most.
on top of that, an albino turkey. LMAO
I know exactly where they were hunting. If that deer runs very far at all he's trespassing to retrieve it. And he can't just go knock on a door to get permission either. I don't think the lady in the video owns the property they were hunting.

What happened to them praying before the hunts? Now they're drinking beer on the videos (No I don't have a problem with drinking beer).


White turkey looks familiar!
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I know exactly where they were hunting. If that deer runs very far at all he's trespassing on to retrieve it. And he can't just go knock on a door to get permission either. I don't think the lady in the video owns the property they were hunting.

What happened to them praying before the hunts? How they're drinking beer on the videos (No I don't have a problem with drinking beer).

View attachment 151136

White turkey looks familiar!
Please divulge, I will pay up to $1,000
Please divulge, I will pay up to $1,000

I know exactly where they were hunting. If that deer runs very far at all he's trespassing on to retrieve it. And he can't just go knock on a door to get permission either. I don't think the lady in the video owns the property they were hunting.

I know where this is to got pics of the white hen too. Not much land to hunt.
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Great footage and shot placement. The thing that jumps out to me is the ability to pick a tree in the woods "in August" in a drought year where a flock of turkeys come to a 10'x10' area and scratches around until they cut the footage, then have a 190" buck come to same general area and smell around the ground until he gets an arrow. Talk about good fortune, that kind of luck is hard to come by for most.
He was killed over a 'food plot'