They posted that while they were encouraged by the sheriff to press charges, they declined. Sheriffs had picked the guy up on his way to his (ex?) girlfriends apparently to kill her, and have him on those charges. Declining to press charges, especially if they had the camera rolling; bothers me much, much more than their suburban hunting. Even if they didn't have the camera going (but I bet they did), it was 3 or 4 of them so multiple witnesses; and text messages while they were with this guy that would document everything. They're also on the other side of the country; so little chance of this guy or his friends taking revenge.
Declining to press charges in this case really bothers me; it actually disgusts me. They talk in the video how they felt God had put them in this encounter so they could get that velvet 8 pt later on that day. I messaged them did they ever consider that God put them in that situation to help prevent this guy from doing harm to others? I feel that's a helluva lot more important than a velvet buck. Ended my message to them with "evil triumphs when good men do nothing"