Seems downright irresponsible to me

because something is legal doesnt make it right. Shooting a bird from a tree when he cant see in the dark is legal in TN (I think it still is unless that has changed) but dang sure not right or ethical.

one of the reasons Ive always hated the tag line "do what makes you happy if its legal". Do whats right by the animal you are hunting and do it ethically is what the tag line SHOULD be for turkey hunters.


You gotta kill that gobbler and post and brag online about what a great hunter you are
It's very unethical and very irresponsible.Anyone who does this is bound to wound turkey's that's never found but die

Yep and its already happening.

Folks are desperate to kill something and prove they are a true turkey hunter.

No matter what it takes, legally of course.
People are already shooting "long range" with tss

It's one of the reasons to use it?

Far superior to lead if you misjudge the distance

I thought that turkey was at 40 but really was 50….

Yeah I know the video is about 70
My good grief…
Yep and its already happening.

Folks are desperate to kill something and prove they are a true turkey hunter.

No matter what it takes, legally of course.
Yes. Same desperation as the dads I know who can't wait to post how good a hunter their 6 or 7 yr old son is for "killing his first buck at 200 yards shooting a 3006!!
It's disgusting. Live scope in fishing and a litany of stuff in turkey hunting.
you beat me to it, sir! 😍 people no longer WANT to hunt and fish, they are looking to catch and shoot, and many are are now willing to spend however much money to do so more consistently. how long before remotely triggered claymore mines are set up over baited areas and use game cameras to let you know when a "shooter" is "in range" for you to "schwack" from your desk job ? i'm sick of it all... 😡
Absolutely not
Are there hunters capable of that w a perfect gun , shell, sight set up . Sure!
But man it's not good to set that as something to celebrate.

It makes a lot of hunters think that it normal to do that. As an industry professional he owed the sport more than that

Don't get caught up celebrating any of our industry professionals
They are all just human just like you and i
They are spoon fed opportunities by people who want to suck up to them for whatever reason I have no clue and
That's ok. But they are just people .
So they will be known to do stupid sh!t every now and again.

I think that's pretty clear ! I have a 4th grader and I let him read it . Said it made perfect sense to him .
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