Senate Bill 0964


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2001
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smith county
Don't know if anyone has seen it or not, but this is the text of it. Boats, Boating - As introduced, prohibits certain activities, such as fishing, near public boat launches, docks, boats, and marinas so as to interfere with the use of such facilities. - Amends TCA Title 67; Title 68, Chapter 102, Part 6; Title 69 and Title 70. Four different people filed bills on it and they combined them into one and its in a Natural Resources committee. I think if its public water, people should be able to fish anywhere . Might be something to keep an eye on.
I think the devil is in the details for this bill. I don't know what direction they are trying to go with it. If they are wanting to stop people fishing around boat slips in marinas, I would be in opposition.

But, it the bill is designed to stop the dumbazzes that spread their towels and chairs on launching ramps and courtesy docks that adversely impact what those facilities were built for, I strongly support it and hope it has a $500 fine.
I think the devil is in the details for this bill. I don't know what direction they are trying to go with it. If they are wanting to stop people fishing around boat slips in marinas, I would be in opposition.

But, it the bill is designed to stop the dumbazzes that spread their towels and chairs on launching ramps and courtesy docks that adversely impact what those facilities were built for, I strongly support it and hope it has a $500 fine.
I think your right. It all depends on the wording. I found the basic text that I put in the post but couldn't find anything else about it. I'm just wondering how many marina owners and private dock owners are behind this one since four different legislators filed on this ? I just see fisherman being harassed more over this than anything else if this get passed.
I think the devil is in the details for this bill. I don't know what direction they are trying to go with it. If they are wanting to stop people fishing around boat slips in marinas, I would be in opposition.

But, it the bill is designed to stop the dumbazzes that spread their towels and chairs on launching ramps and courtesy docks that adversely impact what those facilities were built for, I strongly support it and hope it has a $500 fine.
Agreed 💯
I like one of the two directions this bill could take, but at this point the wording is so laughably vague it'll only cause confusion and problems and more than likely result in legit fisherman being inconvenienced more than anything.
Put some specifics and intention behind it aimed at keeping people from setting up a lawn chair on a boat ramp and giving me the stink eye when I try to launch/take out and I'm all for it.
I like one of the two directions this bill could take, but at this point the wording is so laughably vague it'll only cause confusion and problems and more than likely result in legit fisherman being inconvenienced more than anything.
Put some specifics and intention behind it aimed at keeping people from setting up a lawn chair on a boat ramp and giving me the stink eye when I try to launch/take out and I'm all for it.
I was at a boat ramp the other day, wasn't launching just taking a lunch break. But, there were a couple of people sitting in chairs ON THE RAMP fishing. There is also a sign right beside it that clearly says, no fishing from the ramp and that's not to mention there is probably 400 yards of manicured bank access within walking distance of the parking lot. 🙄
I had motor trouble last year and by the time I got to the ramp with the trolling motor it was past dark. My trolling motor made a racket right at the ramp and locked up. I pulled it up and it was wrapped up in fishing line. I started pulling it and this guys rod started sliding down the boat ramp. It was such a a mess I ended up wading into the water and loading the boat by hand instead of driving it on with my last option. Dude had three rods out on the ramp. I didn't say anything because they probably didn't have a boat and don't understand how things like that work.
the bill language says interference with such activities. when i shoot docks im not interfering with anyone. kind of funny since the ramps around here has signs that specifically splain no fishing from the ramps or courtesy docks.

they can pass bills all they want and make criminals out of all of us but unless they are going to enforce them, then its just another $80k blown in committee.

we have our new yankee inhabitants tearing the hell out of our lake and no enforcement.
they can pass bills all they want and make criminals out of all of us but unless they are going to enforce them, then its just another $80k blown in committee.
The idiots I mentioned above fishing on the ramp right next to the sign is a heavily patrolled ramp. As in once or twice a hour there is a officer making rounds wether it's the local sheriff's department or TWRA and apparently it's not being enforced now ssoooo…

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