Should have picked a different line of work...

The difference is the money given by alumni. I know the situation for faculty. Coach K was getting $7MM a year. The top professor at Duke was getting $100K.
I read through a lot of the thread yesterday, she was bitching and moaning about the amount of money he was being paid as just a dumb ol' jock, and how it compared to the amount she was being paid as an ultra-smart associate professor. And how it just wasn't fair.

Some of the comments were pure gold - along the lines of "how often have you had 60,000 students pay $100 and more to come to one of your classes" and pointing out that the football program was supporting most of the other sports programs, including Title IX (?) (women's) programs that wouldn't exist without it.

While we can argue until time ends what college is for, the fact remains that for the most part people are paid according to the value they bring to the table. She just couldn't accept that she brought so much less than Kiffin - after all, she's so smart!

Daily Caller did an article on it.

Ole Miss Professor Anne Twitty Complains She Makes Less Than 1/100th Of Lane Kiffin's Salary
P.S. I'd bet that Kiffin puts in far more hours every year than she does - probably multiple times more - yet he does not have tenure and can be fired at will.

If she's unhappy with her lot in life, she should have chosen a different path in life - and it's not too late to start now.
I've always said that your average Div 1 college football coach who makes 1.5 Million a year according to Google
is about as smart or talented as your average insurance salesman who makes 60 Thousand. Sure there are a few exceptions, but football coaches in general ain't that smart.
I've always said that your average Div 1 college football coach who makes 1.5 Million a year according to Google
is about as smart or talented as your average insurance salesman who makes 60 Thousand. Sure there are a few exceptions, but football coaches in general ain't that smart.

Smarts have nothing to do with salary. Value has everything to do with salary.
I agree. I think smarts, value, talent, and probably several other adjectives can be substituted in my post and it would still be true. If they weren't coaching football, most football coaches would be working pretty average jobs for pretty average salaries.
I try to avoid the childishness that saturates the Sports talk Forum, but attempting to silence or ban or cancel an opposing opinion on any subject is a very left-wing(woke) tactic.

(OK yes I do occasionally post how many days it has been since TN has beaten AL, but that is an indisputable fact)
I try to avoid the childishness that saturates the Sports talk Forum, but attempting to silence or ban or cancel an opposing opinion on any subject is a very left-wing(woke) tactic.

(OK yes I do occasionally post how many days it has been since TN has beaten AL, but that is an indisputable fact)
He wanted a bet. I'm giving him one. I see his mouth over loaded his… well u know what I mean.

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