Should I Bush Hog Before the Season?

I just bought a property a few months ago. I haven't had time to cut the hay.
I was thinking about just bush hog'n 25 or so acres. I'll be able to see the deer (now they disappear in the hay) but it might cut down on the number of deer since they can't hide. There are other fields and woods around the acreage I may cut.
My question is, would you recommend cutting it or letting it go?

Thank you.
If you look at that hunting journal post I made, in the 4th picture, you will see a food plot we cut into a grown up field. I finally convinced the guys that year not to level the whole thing, and man, what a difference it made.

We ALWAYS saw deer. I don't think deer prefer being out in the wide open with nowhere to go. Travel/shooting lanes are a great idea, but to me, cover trumps hunter visibility.

Took my wife on her first hunt ever that year overlooking that field and we had 22 deer in the field that morning at ONE time.
NO way would I bush hog entire others have could cut multiple strips or doing so you create edge and it soon and the strips will have time to green up...also as could sow the strips in winter wheat or cereal rye....grown up field with green strips strategically placed sounds very nice.

Congratulations on getting to hunt your own land for the first time...that's awesome!!
This is the correct answer.
I would do like 2 or 3 strips wide around the edge of the woods.
Timely thread. I bushhogged part of my lower field and some of my pole barn field. Left most of it as it was per the advice in this thread.
I'd let it get thick…really thick. Bush hog once every 4-5 years

Lanes are not a bad idea but don't over do it
I would set up a multi-year rotation. Five years would be too many years where I live - trees would be almost too big to mow. When you let them get too big, they seem to re-sprout and grow much faster.