Single cam or dual cam?

Personally, I prefer single cams. They are easier to tune and most have better draw cycles than the dual cams. However, they are not capable of producing the speed that the dual cam bows have; however, recent single-cam technology has greatly reduced the speed difference/capability of the two.
I shoot single cams , hybrid cams , and binary cams . Single cams are easier to tune for me , yet I like the hybrid cams . Binary cams can have cam lean issues , depending on the design .
Not new. I got over 20 years under my belt. Just making sure that when I make this investment that I gather as much info as possible. I haven't bought a new bow in 10 years. My last bow was a single cam High Country 4runnner. It's still ticking too. Just looking to upgrade I guess. Im leaning toward a new Heli-m.
If you are use to single cam that is what I would get the new two cams have a alot dif. draw cycle. The best thing to do would be to shoot alot of differnt bows and see what u like. I like mathews but I have shot the helim and its just not for me its to short. They shoot good.
I would shoot the new two cams also u might fall in love with one. Try some hoyts and pse Heck even shot the monster and see how you like it. I thought I would never shoot a two cam bow but am hunting with a monster mr7 pulling 59 pounds 376 grain arrow 29 inch draw shooting 291 fps. Its easy to pull back and hold no matter how cold it is. I have always shot 70 pound bows until this one and I dont see any need to shoot it at 70 pounds I got 70 lbs ke energy. I see a guy at they bow shop this weekend shooting one on 80lbs I dont know what hes trying to kill but i bet he will never get the bow pulled back when its cold outside and a deer is in his sights.
I am bias. But after buying my first bow in 15 years. I am sold on the Quest hammer. Quiet, fast enough, forgiving, and a great value for the money.
I went through this too, dont fall for what tv or your buddy says. Go shoot them. Shoot the Helium and the monsters, Shoot the destroyer 350 and the insanity. Many others to pick from. I shot a Z7 till this year. It was a great bow, as I have heard about the harsh draw cycles of the speed bows. I shot the insanity and was floored. It pulled just as easy for me as the Z at the same weight. balanced well and was mega fast. Pull several before you buy, its worth the time spent.
Dual cams have came a long way from just a few yrs ago. It has been quite the progression over the years. IMO single cams hit their peak around 2005-2006 with the Mathews Switchback and Switchback XT. The reason I say that is because everybody still says those are the best bows they ever made and still to this day, the XT will bring $400+ used. Most of the other companies started to venture back into the dual cam/hybrid/binary market after PSE introduced the X Force around 2007-2008. Including Mathews with the Monster series and every other bow company.

The new bows like the Mathews MR series are great shooting and smooth drawing bows. The new PSEs are good, with the Evo and Omen Pro. The new BowTech's always raise eyebrows too. You've got Elite archery...which some say their Answer bow is the smoothest and easiest to tune bow they've shot. They are all dual cams. The Strother bows like the Rush and Wrath...great feeling bows.

I could make a list of my top 10 bows for 2012 and only one in the top 10 would be a single cam bow...and that would be the Mathews Jewel.
Some bows no matter what cam system can be more tricky to tune than others. I personally have found that in every cam category there are some that are a PITA to tune to my standards. On the flip side there are those like My PSE Vendetta that are just simply pleasent. Gaining as much knowledge about a particular bow that your interested in will help tons in the tuning process.
Yeah DMAG, I was the one you text could have the bow for $550 with the case. Well, I've moved on now. I hope you got what you wanted for it. It's a shame you couldn't tell me that you backed out of our deal though.
Great White Stalker you should come by my store and shoot any of the binary cam bows I have. Turks sport shop in ooltewah. I bought this place back in april so it's under new management. 423-326-1812 m-sat 9-6 Sorry I failed to mention I carry Bowtech.
I perfer the single. I dont dislike dual cam. but been shooting single for so long it seems natural. I agree with DMAG shoot several and decide what u like and feels good to you.
Ya need to try out the PSE Bowmadness XS bro, it's pretty smooth but thats my preference! I still shoot my Brute and love it, but that Madness is calling my name pretty hard lol!! Lets get together and shoot bro! Season is around the corner....