Smoked Brisket

Wonder how a brisket would work on a MES? I haven't tried one on mine yet.
Smo":39mmi2za said:
WTM":39mmi2za said:
all things smoking and que i usually refer to meathead goldwyn, mud creeks recipe and method sounded eerily familiar. :tu: ... mate-guide

Great info WTM Thanks for posting.

no problem. he goes into a lot of the science and myth busting like, do i really need to lay a steak out to get to room temp before i grill it, etc?

here is another site i refer to for recipes and cooking techniques, some really good stuff on this site too: ... nd-poultry

good luck on the brisket.
Imo, if you want to get better at brisket study up on how Aaron Franklin does his. Not just his recipe but how he approaches the whole cook from choosing meat, wood he uses, temp he smokes at, etc. Some might say he over thinks it a bit but I can appreciate it! I love knowing little details that some overlook or just don't care about. His book is great and a must buy if your iterested in smoking brisket/bbq in general.
Mud Creek":28eadui8 said:
Imo, if you want to get better at brisket study up on how Aaron Franklin does his. Not just his recipe but how he approaches the whole cook from choosing meat, wood he uses, temp he smokes at, etc. Some might say he over thinks it a bit but I can appreciate it! I love knowing little details that some overlook or just don't care about. His book is great and a must buy if your iterested in smoking brisket/bbq in general.

have his book too. he was on a couple of episodes of "man, fire and food". interesting guy.

he has a series on PBS you can stream. here is his first brisket episode. ... 1-brisket/
Thanks for all the info Guys.

It just goes to show there's more than one way to skin a cat!

I known Guys who do the bbq cooking contest and a lot of them special order prime cuts of meat just for the cook offs.

LOL All I'm trying to do is get one where I can feed the Family. Thanks again Everyone.
For sliced, I take mine to 190' cooking @ 225. For pulled, I go to 200. Since I'm using an electric smoker, I put the fat up. Once to temp, I wrap in a double layer of this foil and place in a styrofoam cooler for two hours to rest and allow juices to redistribute. A good rule of thumb for cooking time is 1.5 hrs/lb. Basic pepper and kosher salt with a bit of ground smoked Chipotle pepper for a little zing. I have tried mesquite but prefer simply hickory. I have done about a dozen for people at work who rant and rave about how good they are. Myself, don't really care for brisket unless it's corned.
I was in Costco at Knox a couple of days ago. They were loaded up with USDA Prime briskets, $3.69 a pound IIRC.
You all have talked me into 1,been wanting to do 1 and this is going to be the weekend to do it :tu:
I will but going to have to find a new host for my pictures,wont be a problem here but since PB quit free it makes it rough on other sites
Thanks i dont get the smoke ring when using the electric but the taste is what matters most and i have that
11lb hickory/Apple smoked brisket from today


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