After church and a nap I took my daughters fishing and swimming. We got back to the house about 6:45 so I threw my hunting close on and went for a quick late evening hunt, mostly just to try and roost one. I get out of the truck about 7:05 and spot a lone gobbler out in a fairly large corn field. I used a creek to cut the distance some and get to within 130 yards or so. It looks like he's goin away anyway but my season is almost over so I have nothing to lose if he spooks. I cluck and purr on my slate and he's lookin hard but don't move. I yelp on my mouth call and he turns and starts ever so slowly workin my way. I knew I was racing the clock because light was fading. He just keeps comin and I'm thinkin it's gonna happen. He gets to about 70 and turns and goes to roost. That would've probably been my best hunt ever. Calling one across a field with no decoys. I do use decoys some because almost all the land I hunt is fields, big fields. Anyway, hes not a 100 yards off the field so with any luck he will come in about 6:45 in morning. It was exciting even though I didn't kill him.