Someone explain why TENNESSEE is so expensive to deer hunt….

im sorry you have to pay to hunt!!! mabye one day you can own your on land and not have too!! or hunt somewhere else!!! gtfo
Who pulled your string?

I'll go anywhere I please.

Nothing like to late input. this thread is so old I'm not sure I complained about out of state fees? I don't know I don't care. But I'll say this I think resident fees are too high.
what do you care about resident license if you own land
here we go with the kindergarten stuff again. no real answers!!! you dont look like i figured!!! nice hair and the glesses are nice!!! i would tell you to grow up but looks like you have already!!! that hair is some more grey!!
It doesnt matter how many times your told the right answer, its not the one that fits your narrative , so you just keep being a moron spreading your ignorance! Maybe they will ban this account too !
It doesnt matter how many times your told the right answer, its not the one that fits your narrative , so you just keep being a moron spreading your ignorance! Maybe they will ban this account too !
How many times am I gonna have to green stripe him? He must've gotten lonely with no one seeing his posts
It doesnt matter how many times your told the right answer, its not the one that fits your narrative , so you just keep being a moron spreading your ignorance! Maybe they will ban this account too !
you have nothing too add but insults!!!! childish behavior is your forte!!
Same as any gov agency, they have run everyone off that experience and replaced them with someone that has a degree but no common sense. Spend money where it doesn't need to be spent and turn around and waste money on what we don't need. It's a broken record.
you are good with memes and quotes!! can you not speak for yourself or are you illiterate!!!! its not that damn cute being a smartass!!! or dumbass!!!
It doesn't matter what is said to you, if it doesn't line up with your narrative, all you can do is spew a bunch of ignorance, so why should anyone bother with you.