Someone explain why TENNESSEE is so expensive to deer hunt….

eating chocolateing dumbass!!!
The vehicles are purchased by the State of TN through the Dept. of Motor Vehicle Management.

TWRA leases the vehicles from MVM. MVM has total control of the replacement schedule.

Try again for something else to whine about.
can yall morans explain what this. please tell me where TN gets its tax dollars from!!! please please!!! and ill tell you this. the state doesn't pay for my vehicle or fuel !!!! but i and ylou pay for theres!!!
its simple. does twra get any help from the tn taxpayers!!! and yes its hard to understand where mine and your tax dollars go to!
a business arrangement but non funding!! what is the arrangement!!! whether. to buy a ford or a chevy???! you still didnt answer the question!!!
can yall morans explain what this. please tell me where TN gets its tax dollars from!!! please please!!! and ill tell you this. the state doesn't pay for my vehicle or fuel !!!! but i and ylou pay for theres!!!
Here we friggin go again. The state does not pay for TWRA trucks.
The vehicles are purchased by the State of TN through the Dept. of Motor Vehicle Management.

TWRA leases the vehicles from MVM. With YOUR LICENSE FEES.
For OLD out of state farts.

Now that I live in SC but I'm coming to my son's home this week to hunt on his property. It will cost me at a minimum $200 for a 7 day license! So if I hunt just one day…$200! There is no discount as well for over 65. I got an invite to go to Jackson county in December to a friends place and that would cost me another $200! There is no annual non resident.

I mean did TWRA bottle feed these deer to charge this much?
Because it's actually good hunting and you get what you pay for. You can pay less than half of that to hunt these public lands in SC and just see squirrels. Now I guess I don't know what the public land is like down your way but I hear it's just as bad as the upstate area where I live.

SCDNR is the Bidenomics of public land game management. I see such a drastic difference in the sign and sightings of wild game when I hunt TN public land vs SC public land and I only hunt TN a few times a year whereas I'm out on our SC WMAs all season long.

I will gladly pay the non-resident license fee every year to hunt much better managed public lands than these tracts of garbage that SCDNR leaves for us here.

At least you have great fishing down your way!

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