Any of you guys had any luck with planting grain sorghum for deer? I like that they would potentially not eat it in the summer and be a good fall and winter food for them but not sure how heavy they would use it!
Tried a couple strips this year. It grew pretty well despite the drought formed heads. Deer ate it once the heads turned red. I liked that it survived to maturity. Better than my corn that got pulled out of the ground before it reached 3".
We planted it last year. It's a cheap version of corn just not as good food wise. We probably won't ever plant it again unless for screening purposes. Which is part of the reason we planted it to begin with. But about this time of year it wasnt as tall as i wanted it to be. But it did good and deer ate it just not nearly as productive as corn obviously.
It's always in my summer blends. Good for cover.
Sudan sorghum gets tall, short stature sorghum or Milo is short. Nothing but cows and mules will eat it till the seed heads ripen then deer and turkey will pick the seeds readily. Rolled down it makes a great ground cover / weed mat.
Never seen deer so focused on a single food source as they were sorgham heads mid Sept this year. Wiped out all the heads on a half acre plot in 1 week.