Many today might find it hard to believe, but I grew up in a West TN county at a time we had no deer season there. Back then, people from my neck of the woods had to travel East for deer hunting. In fact, one of the draws for my moving to East TN was the perception of better deer hunting in these mountains. When I first moved to East TN, I concentrated on the South Cherokee and Catoosa.
Due to being overrun by ATVs, to me, Catoosa is no longer an acceptable place for a wilderness hunt.
Although not so much a "wilderness" (like the Cherokee, Catoosa, and a few other East TN places), in my older age now I'm fairly content with some large private tracts in Middle TN, as well as LBL and a few other WMAs. If I couldn't now conveniently hunt LBL, for public land, I'd likely be back concentrating on the South (or North) Cherokee, for at least as much longer as I may be physically able.
Reminds me, I need to re-group with old "Citico Tim", as we're both now hunting on borrowed time