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Speaking of Arkansas boating...


Well-Known Member
Oct 6, 2003
Columbia TN
In researching the resorts and facilities on the White River I found this listed on the rates page for one or two of them: Sunk Boat/Motor Charge - $1000.00.

Is this a problem on the White River? Do so many people sink their boats that a service is needed for recovery? Is the river dangerous? I've never seen a place list that particular service.
People do stupid stuff sometimes and sometimes the inexperienced can get theirselves in trouble. I have known of a few boats going under over there while we were over there fishing. Not real common but it does happen and the river does have its dangerous spots.

The main necessities is to go slow if you haven't been through a stretch of water, keep your eyes out for rocks and submerged trees. Be ready to crank up and get away from something because the current can move you faster than you think.you got to watch floating downstream and going through the low water rapid areas as well.

And sometimes the rental boats don't always crank up in the first pull. We had a near disaster a couple of years ago with a rental boat and our crew has been fishing it for years. The motor man failed to see a rootball as we were coming up on it and then the motor failed to crank. All we could do was brace and hope the boat didn't break in half or flip. I can tell you that the fiberglass rental boats will bend some.

Some of the reasons I have my own boat with a reliable electric start motor.
Thanks for the info. Sounds like a guide or being with someone experienced on the river would be the way to go. I've fished with guides a few times and I could get spoiled to having someone else do most of the work. Not to mention that they know the water and most effective techniques for their particular environment.
People also will go up and down river at full speed without pulling up a drag chain. Stupid I know, but I have seen it happen. Most places over there will not even put anchors in the boat when the water is high and fast. A lot of people who rent boats have little to no experience driving them, let alone driving them on a river that varies greatly in depth and has a lot of large boulders in it.
TNRifleman":3riz6s2a said:
It's important to remember that not all rentals are treated equally. This is a pic I took of a boat that went by us on the White a couple of years ago.

lol that happens on Ky lake every year too. never fails to see a flat bottom aluminum boat with 8-12 people piled in it, thankfully the TWRA sees them and corrects them before they drown.

Ky lake is also bad in spots even at summer pool in the bays and off the main channel. people dont realize it because of its size and some dont know that the lake part is manmade lol. i had a yankee know it all neighbor that bought a boat one year and warned him about beaver dam. he wouldnt listen and went on and on about how he knew how to boat. first time out he hit a stump and knocked the lower unit clean off.