Ah yes, a lame attack on masculinity.
I knew a guy once that did use the women's tees. Not long after he told us he'd become impotent and his wife was leaving him. I always figured it was cause he smoke and drank so much, but maybe you're right.
Nah, I'm just kidding. I don't play golf. I always thought it and tennis were really country-club, women's, non-contact sports.
I did know a guy that wouldn't use tree stands though. He was scared of falling out. I know another guy who's scared of snakes. He won't hunt till after the first frost. I kind of thought both of these fears were a bit wimpy, but they made up for it by only hunting with atlatl's so we decided not to question their masculinity.
Nah, just kidding again. I don't care how people legally harvest deer. Or what sports they play. Or if they hunt on the ground or in a stand or with an atlatl or if they're scared of snakes. They can do what they want and kill what they want without me criticizing em. (As long as they're legal)