Straight wall cartridges for muzzleloader?

If straight wall cartridges become legal during muzzleloader will you use them?

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If they are not capable of using a muzzle loader they shouldn't be aloud to hunt that season imo , make it any weapon fill your tags
That was my biggest complaint against muzzleloaders... when my kids (esp my girls) were little, they just couldn't handle the muzzleloader. Stock way too big, too much recoil. That took away the very best week of hunting from my kids.

Now that they are older, it's no longer a problem.
I've tried every which way to use the correct words to reply to this post and I keep backspacing, just no way to express my thoughts without upsetting folks. Muzzleloaders don't load from the back end and Bows don't have a stock and scope. 🙄🙄🙄
Evidently the goal is to allow as much killing as possible and not manage for better bucks. Helll, if they'll go any weapon all season, up the doe tags, and 1 buck per year…..I'm in.
I think allowing centerfire rifles during muzzleloader season is a TERRIBLE IDEA. Who came up with that? As others have mentioned, I would MUCH rather it go the other direction and become a primitive season, only allowing traditional muzzleloaders with no scopes and no in-lines.

I also think they ought to designate a portion of archery season to be traditional bows only as well, disallowing compounds and crossbows during that timeframe. It should only allow longbows and recurves with no add-on sights.
I am a firm beliver that my 8 inch 44 mag should be allowed in muzzle loader. Modern muzzle loaders are much more accurate that it is
I've tried every which way to use the correct words to reply to this post and I keep backspacing, just no way to express my thoughts without upsetting folks. Muzzleloaders don't load from the back end and Bows don't have a stock and scope. 🙄🙄🙄
Evidently the goal is to allow as much killing as possible and not manage for better bucks. Helll, if they'll go any weapon all season, up the doe tags, and 1 buck per year…..I'm in.
Amazingly herd management isn't all about horn porn, and yes the goal is to still allow people all the opportunities possible while not negatively affecting herd health as a whole. You want better bucks than dont kill any doesnt bother me any😁
It'll be whatever a focus group wants anyway. Then they'll make the graphs to convince people that the changes are from a management standpoint and not just what some focus group wants. It is what it is we fund everything but they could care less what we think about it. As long as the herd is healthy and herd size keeps growing that's Al I care about really.
Jason, you know how I feel about this subject. I'm not necessarily against any of it...just prefer to call it what it is. If your challenge is to develop a load (someone else mentioned) for 200 yrd shots...then that is a reloading challenge...not a hunting challenge.
If you're challenge is to take one with a ML, then using an AR in 350 legend is not fulfilling that challenge... it's gaming the system.

This has nothing to do with the subject per se, but the point is still the same.
Most kids start kindergarten at 5 yrs old. Jeb got to start when he was 3... because it was harder for him. Bow hunters start earlier in the season because it's harder using a bow. ML is next hardest, so they go next. Then modern gun gets to go. No different than women's tee's being closer on the golf course.
Let's put it another do you feel about these trans weirdo guys competing in women's sports? Is that fair...or just gaming the system to get an unfair make up for the fact they suck at whatever sport it is?

If it's whatever you want. Heck, even if it ain't legal...ain't no skin off my back.
So crossbows and airbows are transarchery and straighwall cartridges are transmuzzleloading? Are these the new season names?Somebody better get to designing a new flag with some blaze orange in it.
I've tried every which way to use the correct words to reply to this post and I keep backspacing, just no way to express my thoughts without upsetting folks. Muzzleloaders don't load from the back end and Bows don't have a stock and scope. 🙄🙄🙄
Evidently the goal is to allow as much killing as possible and not manage for better bucks. Helll, if they'll go any weapon all season, up the doe tags, and 1 buck per year…..I'm in.
I understand where you are coming from!

But you also have to put it in context... when ML season was started 40 years ago, it was to allow extra time afield with a very low chance of actually killing a deer compared to rifle. Back then the only muzzleloaders on the market were flintlocks and percussion cap rifles. Patched balls and Buffalo cast bullets were the only 2 choices. Scopes weren't illegal, but it took a few years for folks to figure put how to bend the hammer to allow for scope clearance. Black powder was the norm, until black powder substitute (pyrodex) came put. Ethical shots were limited to 75 yards.

in the past 40 years, technology has advanced beyond belief in 'primitive weapon' performance... to the point where current muzzleloaders are JUST AS EFFECTIVE as any centerfire rifle. And because of that, buck harvest during those prime 2 weekends of November has EXPLODED! Currently, there is very little harvest difference in number of bucks killed during ML versus 'gun' season... Fortunately, the deer population has also exploded in those 40 years, and the buck limit has been reduced from 11 to 2. As such, male deer are not being overharvested by bastardizing primitive weapons into what they have become... identical in efficacy to modern rifles... and FAR from their original primitive intent.

So we have reached the point where ML season is literally just semantics. Same number of bucks killed, same efficiency as any other breech loading firearm.

It's WAY past time to do one of 2 things. Take ML season back to what it was intended to be (limited harvest by a limited weapon- no scopes, sabots, inlines, smokeless, etc) OR, just let folks use whatever they want during thise 9 days. I don't care which of the 2 ways we go... more primitive vs doing away with 'ML'... but the current season is just a $$$ grab to sell another permit.
Well compound bows could be considered cheating also with cams and sights and triggers, mechanical broad heads, how about long bow only for bow season?