Straight wall cartridges for muzzleloader?

If straight wall cartridges become legal during muzzleloader will you use them?

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  • Not sure

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I would prefer to see ML become more primitive. ML's are basically as effective as rifles in the hardwoods anyway.
Me to that's why the seasons have been laid out the way they are for so long.archery that was primitive before the 100 yard crossbow. Then muzzleloader 100 yard shot was pushing it with the old guns. Now it's a single shot rifle loaded by the muzzle. The regular rifle season at the very last. Went from archery primitive 40 yards max to muzzleloader 100yards to rifle 200plus yards. That was to give deer a chance and limit your abilities till gun season opened. Are they trying this out possibly to slowly go to straight wall cartridges during rifle season and just eliminate muzzloader season then shorten rifle season. I smell a rat.
I would be fine with it.

People are buying $1000 smokeless muzzloaders, throwing a $800 scope on it, and sighting them in at 200 yards. I really don't see a lot of difference to argue about. Yeah, the 2ed shot you hopefully won't need takes a little longer to get down range about it now days.

For those that are set against it, well you can use your old flint lock and bow, and stop worrying about what anyone else is enjoying.
I don't see them going straight primitive myself and doing away with the current regulations. With that said I don't think the will change it period with the waste of 30 or 40 minutes video I watched I think they are going to go more bow and less gun myself. I may be mistaken but I believe Iowa or some of Iowa at least now allows straight wall cartridges in their ml season. Personally for me I wouldn't like it. If that's the case then it should be medical exceptions only for bow like it used to be. It's all the same argument no matter how you word it.
I know I'm a dinosaur but I'll stick w/ this setup!


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Never shot a 100y crossbow, own a crossbow but 100y no, if they include straight wall rifles might as well do away with the name muzzle loader season, rename it something else, they do a split rifle with bow in the middle there might be some civil unrest lol, gonna write straight wall on my 300wm shells and claim ignorance, tell em ruger sold this here SW rifle and bullets 😂
Me to that's why the seasons have been laid out the way they are for so long.archery that was primitive before the 100 yard crossbow. Then muzzleloader 100 yard shot was pushing it with the old guns. Now it's a single shot rifle loaded by the muzzle. The regular rifle season at the very last. Went from archery primitive 40 yards max to muzzleloader 100yards to rifle 200plus yards. That was to give deer a chance and limit your abilities till gun season opened. Are they trying this out possibly to slowly go to straight wall cartridges during rifle season and just eliminate muzzloader season then shorten rifle season. I smell a rat.
Some of us can only hope this is true 😂
I would be fine with it.

People are buying $1000 smokeless muzzloaders, throwing a $800 scope on it, and sighting them in at 200 yards. I really don't see a lot of difference to argue about. Yeah, the 2ed shot you hopefully won't need takes a little longer to get down range about it now days.

For those that are set against it, well you can use your old flint lock and bow, and stop worrying about what anyone else is enjoying.

I have a smokeless ML and a high dollar scope... and have never needed a second shot or had the chance at a second shot... easily hit what I am shooting at up to 200 yards... plus where I hunt the longest shot is about 175... I personally have no problem with straight wall cartridges... I have my dad's 38-55 model 1894 that was made in 1900... it has open sights... if they made it legal I would certainly take it some during ML and when I did I certainly would be at a disadvantage using it as I would limit my shots to 50 yards due to my eyes and the tiny sights on the gun
Never shot a 100y crossbow, own a crossbow but 100y no, if they include straight wall rifles might as well do away with the name muzzle loader season, rename it something else, they do a split rifle with bow in the middle there might be some civil unrest lol, gonna write straight wall on my 300wm shells and claim ignorance, tell em ruger sold this here SW rifle and bullets 😂
They will probably call it primative weapons season... I can see it now, all the guys using the .350 legend in an AR15 platform... :)
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If it will get more people in the woods, I'm for it. To me it will open the season up for younger hunters who are capable of handling a small straight wall cartridge rifle (such as the 350 Legend). Furthermore, your average straightwall is going to be ballistically equal to most inline MLs and a touch behind the higher horsepower smokeless guns.
If they are not capable of using a muzzle loader they shouldn't be aloud to hunt that season imo , make it any weapon fill your tags
It is not that they cannot use the muzzle loader... but if they can use something better than a muzzle loader they generally will
Make it shotgun/muzzleloader and be done with it! Wouldn't bother me if that was the case for the whole gun season. That's just me and realize I am in the minority as people like to use rifles.
Ill use whatever is less of a pain in the A to use (thats legal). I personally hate ML seasons because all the extra crap I have to carry with me. Having said that I grew up in FL and Bama where there was no such season so I have no memories with it.

I just see no real difference if you are going to allow todays ML's vs a single shot straight wall rifle round.

My only issue with moving ML to a more traditional type vs todays is its right in the middle of the best hunting. If you wanna go back to flintlock then just make a week long and then a week of other options. I dont want to be forced into hunting the best time of the year with a traditional ML

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