Straight wall cartridges for muzzleloader?

If straight wall cartridges become legal during muzzleloader will you use them?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

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Just to play devils advocate here but how is a smokeless muzzleloader with a scope that shoots sub MOA at 300 yards on the same playing field as an open sight 45/70?
Who said it has to be on the same playing field. Is flintlock and No.11 on the same playing field? Just hunt and not worry what someone else does.
I'll take it a step further. I wish they would just open Deer season Oct 15th or so and hunt with whatever you want. Adjust for limits accordingly (Doe of course). What difference does 2 weeks of muzzleloader really make? We already shoot smokeless out to 300 yards now. I don't have any data to prove, but seems more deer are lost shooting muzzleloaders than rifles. Especially if anyone is shooting power belts lol. So I would like it. I already have a .350 legend and love it.
Yes I would use it. But I wish they would change it from Muzzleloader to traditional or something of the sort. Exposed hammer, cartridge developed prior to 1900 or cartridge must be 100 years old or something like that. With modern muzzle loaders and smokeless it's no different than a center fire rifle.
So you're ok with using a 30-06 during muzzleloader
Who said it has to be on the same playing field. Is flintlock and No.11 on the same playing field? Just hunt and not worry what someone else does.
I am not arguing with you. I was making a comment about his post. I could care less what or how anyone hunts as long as it is done legally.
Hmmm, 350 legend in an AR platform....sounds like a ML to me.
Said I would probably have one, not that I would use it in primitive weapons season though. Really is kind of a moot point here in cwd unit anyway as long as we are allowed to hunt rifle starting the day after the juvi hunt.

I may pull my accura and hunt with it some since I already killed the buck I was after. Only downside to that is not having quick follow up for multiple yotes.
If they allow straight wall cartridges during muzzleloader season, you might as well just completely do away with muzzleloader season all together.

I could see adding a week or two of straight walled cartridge / ML only, but not adding straight walled cartridges to ML season. A repeating, modern, 45-70 would add an incredibly unfair advantage to muzzleloader hunters. Some of these newly developed straight walled cartridges have the ballistics characteristics of modern hunting cartridges.

I'm a big fan of muzzleloading hunting, and I really enjoy my few weeks of being in the woods with much less people galavanting around the woods making a ridiculous amount of noise.

I would like to see a primitive weapon season, cap lock and flint only, Even if it's just for a week or so.
The pic is me on Thanksgiving Day 1978 with my first flintlock deer. I was 26 years old and sure proud of being able to take that little buck. Just to let you know it was rifle season and I chose to use the flintlock instead of my model 70 30-06. By the way, there was no muzzle loader season at that time. Kinda thinking we're heading back that way now....full circle so to speak. During the last few years I've been leaning more for just a "deer season"....hunt em with what you got. I really don't care.

I took that survey but, as an afterthought, what good it will do is questionable in my mind. I figure the fix is on and it's probably already been decided.


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Not a chance ever that we will all agree. If y'all are ok with me and a few others using our flint locks and smooth bores with patched round balls during the muzzle loader season and regular rifle season I am ok with everyone else using whatever they must to cleanly take a deer. I prefer to do what I find the most rewarding and hope that all of you can do the same. I have to pass up shots occasionally that most could easily make with scoped rifles or inlines. I just really enjoy the process. I hope everyone else finds what makes them happy too. TWRA at least asks so we can at least submit an option. I don't think they have ever considered my opinions but I appreciate being asked

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