Straight wall cartridges for muzzleloader?

If straight wall cartridges become legal during muzzleloader will you use them?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Not sure

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If it were legal I wouldn't be opposed to it. 2 things that affected my vote of "no" is 1. I don't have one and I probly wouldn't buy one for a 2 week season, and 2. I rely on public land and the WMA I hunt is "shotgun/ML" only. Now if I could use my shotgun that'd be a different story. After all, my shotgun shells are straight walled 😂
Same old argument as archery back in the day, pure semantics .

Spear>Long bow>recurve>compound>overdraw compounds>crossbow.
Most states allow crossbows now & I bet that there are more people using them than any other style. I've used them all but a spear as they are still "archery". Remember when the "Bear Whitetail Hunter" was introduced & dog cussed by most bowhunters as it wasn't" traditional"?

Primitive Weapon:
Smoothbore>rifled flintlock>#11 percussion>pistol primer conversion percussion>#11 cap inline black powder>209 inline black powder>smokeless>straight wall
Some of the smokeless are 300+yd guns and far from "primitive". I never made the jump to smokeless but my Encore is not primitive either.

Already thinking about having Mike Bellum make me a .44GP barrel just in case TN allows them 😜
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There is a trend away from "muzzleloader seasons" towards "primitive weapon seasons." Basically just a way to sell more licenses by allowing people to use additional weapons during what use to be a more restricted season. Some states have already done this (MS I think?) and it has been tossed around the F&W Commission for a few years now. Of course that begs the question — how should we define a "primitive weapon?" Straight wall cartridge guns seem to be a popular choice for the line of demarcation.

I'm 100% against it, but I have to acknowledge that it has become harder to determine where to draw the line. I shoot an in-line ML with 209 ignition. A true traditionalist could legitimately argue that this is a huge departure from what ML hunting was all about 20 years ago. And we already allow smokeless muzzleloaders that can accurately shoot 300 yards, which I am also against personally, but I don't feel strongly enough about it to complain much.
Shotguns with slugs too? Or just straight wall rifle cartridges?
Either make ML season primative with open sights and no inlines allowed or just open it up as deer season and let people hunt with what they want. A smokeless ML isn't even close to primative. Its just a rifle without a brass case and will outshoot almost any straight wall cartridge anyway. The only reason it's even a discussion is the TWRA wants to sell the ML permits.
I would prefer to see ML become more primitive. ML's are basically as effective as rifles in the hardwoods anyway.
yes but i hate them with a passion. i normally use my bow. i have a savage smokeless. great gun. deadly accurate....weights hundred pounds and i hate all teh "trinkets" required to make it go boom. i like simple. single shot 45-70 si no more deadly, but all i would have to do is pull a bullet out of pocket
I voted "no". I usually travel and bow hunt one of those weeks, and I'm too cheap to buy a new gun just to hunt the couple of days I am here. It makes no difference to me if they allow it or not and wouldn't petition TWRA/TWRC either way.
I hunted with a side lock for many years. In all got to easy, so I quit. The deer haven't really been pressured, and you can (or should be able to) get very close. I have nothing against SMLs, but I wouldn't allow them in the ML season either. I just don't think either falls within the spirit of hunting with a ML. My personal should be side lock or flintlock....and possibly patched round ball. My only reservation with round ball is on game performance, otherwise that would also be a requirement. Heck, I wouldn't even be opposed to making it smooth bore... 😂
I just feel like these modern advancements in ML technology have moved away from the original spirit of the ML season.
Round ball always did a really good job for me when it came to game performance.
Shotguns with slugs too? Or just straight wall rifle cartridges?
I honestly haven't delved into the details of the proposals/discussion for TN, so don't quote me, but I don't think shotguns/slugs are really on the table right now. Just straight wall rifles like 45-70 and .44 mag. Of course, using the straight wall cartridge as the defining element allows for some newer (definitely not "primitive" but still straight walled) calibers like the 450 Bushmaster and 350 legend.
Seems like a strange question to me. Why would straight wall cartridges become legal during muzzleloader season? Is someone proposing this?
I think so. If you go to the TWRA requesting feedback thread and if you go to the survey and check ALL of the boxes they will tell you all the proposals on the table for next year. I think this is one of them, but I may be wrong. I didn't check all the boxes. 😂

People have been asking for this for years because other states may or may not do it. The issue is those other states generally have short gun/ML seasons whereas TN has ~60days of firearms season.

One of the other proposals is to shorten the gun season 🤷‍♂️and or split it up 🤮
I have one so I guess I would but I shoot a smokeless so the only advantage is reloading.
In cwd unit, and have used a rifle the last few years. I have kind of considered buying a bfr 350 legend though. Think s&w is also making one now. If I end up with 350 legend revolver, I would most definitely also add an ar upper in 350 legend.
45 70

Best caliber for the woods IMO
Great caliber for sure. However most states put a maximum case length restriction on straight wall cartridges and most of the popular ones exceed it. That's why I'm considering the 44GP, can use 30-06 brass cut down & ballistics are almost identical to .444 Marlin
For you guys that want it more restricted, are you yourselves hunting without sights, smoothbore flintlocks all season? I know some do, but it's not the norm.
If you're just wanting an easy way to get venison....they sell it online 😉
If you're wanting to challenge yourself as a hunter...stop making it easier.
There is a trend away from "muzzleloader seasons" towards "primitive weapon seasons." Basically just a way to sell more licenses by allowing people to use additional weapons during what use to be a more restricted season. Some states have already done this (MS I think?) and it has been tossed around the F&W Commission for a few years now. Of course that begs the question — how should we define a "primitive weapon?" Straight wall cartridge guns seem to be a popular choice for the line of demarcation.

I'm 100% against it, but I have to acknowledge that it has become harder to determine where to draw the line. I shoot an in-line ML with 209 ignition. A true traditionalist could legitimately argue that this is a huge departure from what ML hunting was all about 20 years ago. And we already allow smokeless muzzleloaders that can accurately shoot 300 yards, which I am also against personally, but I don't feel strongly enough about it to complain much.
I think you nailed it here.
If you're just wanting an easy way to get venison....they sell it online 😉
If you're wanting to challenge yourself as a hunter...stop making it easier.

You have 3 groups. One that wants it restricted, one that wants to make it less restricted, and one that wants it left alone. But for those that want it to be a challenge, are they themselves doing what they're wanting. Just like the one buck crowd, are they killing their one buck and staying home, or they pursuing another?

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