Subtle ways we defeat our chances at mature bucks


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2011
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Most of us know the obvious things we can do to ruin our chances when pursuing mature bucks. Things like hunting the wrong wind or over hunting a favorite spot. But there are other subtle things we do or don't do to ruin our chances at killing that mature buck.

The list is endless but here are a few. Every season I add a few more to my list. Most are taught me the hard way. I'd like to hear yours.

1. Parking too close or too often at the same spot.
2. Allowing my scent to ruin my hunt on my approach to the stand.
3. Hunting too close to my cameras.
4. Over rattling or rattling at the wrong time.
5. Using an approach that allows deer to walk over my trail.
6. Being mentally unprepared to execute a killing shot!
#1thing in my mind is relying to heavily on cameras!
#2 is thinking you can control your scent, you absolutely can not, he doesnt think your further away than you are!!! He gets a whiff its over, you must hunt the thermals and the wind!
#3 you must hunt him where he is at not where you want him to be!
Not dedicating the time off work to hunt the peak of the rut. Plan days off based on historical rut periods in your area.
Then on those peak days sit all day.
Some claim they never see anything mid-day...that hasnt been my experience...but even with sightings being lower mid day...staying put and not walking in and out at lunch is less intrusive to an area. During the rut...walk in well before daylight, hunt all day, then walk out well after dark....not dedicating the time during the peak rut period is a mistake made by many...not saying its easy...but sitting still, in a known travel corridor, during the peak rut period will pay off....and not doing so is a mistake....or at minimum, a missed oppurtunity to up your chances.
Limited Opportunities to hunt and not staying long enough on those opportunities.

For example. My days off of work are Sunday and Monday so I am limited to those days to hunt no matter the conditions. My son, on the other hand, takes the whole month of November off work and hunts every day. He kills his two bucks every year while I am fortunate to kill one. One deer he killed this year was a 5.5 year old brute. But at his age he is still a lot more mad at the deer than I am. Our taxidermist loves him.
7. Too Busy looking at our phones.
There is no doubt that I have missed seeing deer while fidgeting on the phone. However, as long as I don't get too cold, I can attest that the phone has extended my time in the woods.

Sometimes I just need a break and will read something, answer an email, check weather, or study maps for my next spot. My ears often see the deer before my eyes do anyway.

In the past, I might feel the need to start moving around or still-hunt. The phone makes me feel like I at least am using all my time wisely. I know I should just appreciate the woods, but I have done that for hours of my life already!

Phone also allows me to communicate with my kids or other hunters. I love being able to text each other and if one of us sees just gives the other hope and extends the hunt.
All of these comments are great and we can learn from others mistakes or the same mistakes we too make .

#1. Once in the stand especially bow hunters weather or not a permanent stand move from side to side to see if your harness clothes or stand makes a noise that didn't in the past . ( Lost a chance a a really good buck to shift to the side for a shot and the new harness I had made a swish noise so the buck bolted )

On a really quite day you'll be surprised of how sound travels under the canopy of the woods especially sounds the buck is not accustomed too .

#2. This was mentioned but not only playing on the phone but talking/texting on it . Friends calling just to say " seen anything " ? I had a rule don't call me unless it's an emergency.

#3. Movement in the stand . Be surprised how many bucks are not seen because he's done seen you ! This is mainly in open stands not shooting houses but ...through the windows they can and will see you if your movement is not slow and deliberate . I've seen friends from quite a long distance by their movement in a stand and if I can do that I'm sure a mature buck can . Just because that shooting house had been there years don't think a buck don't pay attention to it making sure its not occupied .
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It's already been said but mine are entrence and exits we have added a lot of screens to help with those.

Wind/thermals imo the most important hard to kill mature deer almost impossible to kill them downwind unless you're lucky.

Hunting when it's right not when you just want to. Putting in the right time is more important then just putting in time.

All of those have been said.

One that hasn't is preparation. It's has started already for next fall. Time now pays off in the fall. Lack of preparation cost hunters.

Also being in a routine. Not changing with the deer. Farms change subtlety every year. Like going to that spot because it's been good for years and being hard headed and not changing with the deer.
Most of us know the obvious things we can do to ruin our chances when pursuing mature bucks. Things like hunting the wrong wind or over hunting a favorite spot. But there are other subtle things we do or don't do to ruin our chances at killing that mature buck.

The list is endless but here are a few. Every season I add a few more to my list. Most are taught me the hard way. I'd like to hear yours.

1. Parking too close or too often at the same spot.
2. Allowing my scent to ruin my hunt on my approach to the stand.
3. Hunting too close to my cameras.
4. Over rattling or rattling at the wrong time.
5. Using an approach that allows deer to walk over my trail.
6. Being mentally unprepared to execute a killing shot!
8 - fuc*ing with your cams and filming instead of paying attention to the