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Suppressor cleaning?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2004
Jamestown, TN
Help me out. What am I missing on suppressor cleaning? I hate to not shoot suppressed anymore as it is so enjoyable but cleaning the two I have is just a bear. Not even 100 shots and they are gunked up bad, baffles stuck, etc. I'm just trying to clean by hand with tags, solvent, wire brush, etc and it's horrible. What's the trick?
Silencer Central said to clean my Banish 30 every 200 or so rounds. I went to disassemble it after 50 rounds and it was dang near impossible! I solvent soaked it. Bought a sonic cleaner and sonic cleaned it. Then soaked and sonic cleaned it about 4-5 times before I finally got it disassembled. I never put it in a vise, but still managed to damage one of the baffles so it couldn't be reassembled. I had to send it back to have the baffle replaced. When I reassembled it, I put a little Never Seize on the threads. Haven't shot it since, but it's coming apart every 20 ish rounds, or every range session from now on! I've even considered something on the baffles themselves, but I'm gonna see how 20 rounds goes first.

After that experience, I can't imagine cans that can't be disassembled.

Oh, to answer your question, a sonic cleaner goes a long way. I got the bigger one from Harbour Freight. $79 ish I think.
Silencer Central said to clean my Banish 30 every 200 or so rounds. I went to disassemble it after 50 rounds and it was dang near impossible! I solvent soaked it. Bought a sonic cleaner and sonic cleaned it. Then soaked and sonic cleaned it about 4-5 times before I finally got it disassembled. I never put it in a vise, but still managed to damage one of the baffles so it couldn't be reassembled. I had to send it back to have the baffle replaced. When I reassembled it, I put a little Never Seize on the threads. Haven't shot it since, but it's coming apart every 20 ish rounds, or every range session from now on! I've even considered something on the baffles themselves, but I'm gonna see how 20 rounds goes first.

After that experience, I can't imagine cans that can't be disassembled.

Oh, to answer your question, a sonic cleaner goes a long way. I got the bigger one from Harbour Freight. $79 ish I think.
What I've read is the "serviceable" suppressors are mostly a gimmick. As you said, over time and you can't get them apart. I've yet to get mine, but I'm getting a sealed can. I thought it would be better to be able to take it apart but I'm not convinced it's the case. It's basically a muffler. How often do people clean their muffler? Not saying it doesn't need it, but is don't think it's as often as you'd think. Simple green was mentioned, as well as clr, but clr can damage some of the finish coatings. Silencerco says they're basically maintenance free, needing cleaned less than a rifle. Guess I'll see what the manual states but I doubt I go to great pains over it.
Mag dump a mag or so of full power (supersonic) ammo threw it. It should break up a lot of that junk.

That was the instructions on my dead air for cleaning.
no need to clean anything other than the .22 rimfire cans.

If you really want to clean fast, google the recipe for 'the dip' (mix of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar). Be forewarned, the cloudy precipitate that forms in the bottom of the jar is lead acetate... very toxic. Don't dump down the sink or in your yard.

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