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Taking care of pines


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2004
Jamestown, TN
I need to plant a lot of pines around my house to screen the incoming Californians and Yankees out. Some will be in pasture, others on old building pads. Due to this being around the house I want them to be well maintained until they get some size. In the past, I've just bushhogged pine rows but this will be too many to take care of like that. Is there a spray I can spray directly over pines to control the weeds? Something I can get easily. Thank you
Imazapic can be used for loblolly.
If planting other species...grass selective herbicide can be used on grasses. Forb selective can sometimes be used.
But easy way is to be careful with the herbicide and don't get it on the tree. Then glyphosate can be used if careful to not get on leaves, that is really effective and easier once pines get about 3 years old.

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