The Archery Talk Curse

I called a guy an idiot. Got a time out at which point I told whoever it was they might as well give me a lifetime ban and be done with it. So they did.
UTGrad said:
I don't consider it being disrespectful to the animal. In this time of smart phones one can post "Just stuck a deer" within a minute of takin the shot.

It's weird but many people who do the "instant post" after shooting don't come back and post the kill. They often come back and tell a story they never foun the deer.

I think people are too quick to post about sticking a deer.
I posted about the 2nd doe I shot within minutes of shooting her, before I even got down to look for blood. Then I posted a pic of the blood and went and looked for her. Then the phone warned the battery was almost dead so I didn't post until later, but I found the doe and posted it all here on Tndeer.
I read the Levi Morgan stuff and a bunch of other stuff as well. I too, agree that a 70 yard shot by ANYONE, including a 5 time World Champion shooter, is too far on a live animal in the woods. Which is where I saw him take this shot.

Levi has not been hunting near as long as many of us. Or killed near as many deer. Or shot in as many 3-D tournaments. But he is young and full of youth which might cause any man to do dumb things. As he gets more age on him, he will realize he is setting a bad example with that shot.

It was, and IS a low percentage shot.

But it isn't just Levi. There are many TV "pros" who are constantly pushing the distance.
For me, archery is about getting CLOSE. If someone wants to shoot 70 yards at a deer, get a gun.

I agree that AT seems a little harsh. I am not sure why but it may be the Yankee thing.
I heard of some stories lately of people buying bows and never getting them...i'm done with AT as far as buying stuff!