The Hunting Public “THP” latest video. Another reason to ALWAYS be armed.

I watched that last night and at one point the mic was picking up their heartbeats. Would def not want to have to sit there and listen to that and know you have to walk out at some point not knowing what you would find.

Speaking of packing. I have started using my bino holder to carry my pistol. A few years ago had an aggressive dog come at me while I was walking out and when I went to draw my pistol it was hung up in my holster on my back pack hip strap. Now I have a holster that is attached to my bino pouch so that I can always access it.
Staged for content? Dunno haven't/won't watch it. It's gotta bunch of grown men talking so I guess it worked if it was staged.
Just watched, very well could have been staged and they were a lot calmer than I probably wouldn't have been. Sounds like a Saturday night in the trailer park! Either way a messed up situation. Read a couple comments, and there's a gps that's about as big as a half dollar we all should probably have in our pocket.
OK, ya'll intrigued me.
They did an excellent job building the suspense but why sit in a tree for 30 minutes listening to someone get murdered?