The Hunting Public “THP” latest video. Another reason to ALWAYS be armed.

Well I tried. It's titled "Scary Situation", posted 18 hours ago.

I hope we learn what happened. I certainly couldn't tell for sure but it sounded like more than 1 voice screaming maybe and I know they mentioned hearing vehicles. I wonder if any Leos were able to find bullet casings or anything.

I was reading another site earlier today at lunch that had a thread going about scary/spooky situations while hunting. This one definitely fits the bill.
Never had a situation like that. But a couple of years ago, I had just gotten in my stand on a Sunday morning - total darkness - and suddenly one of my trailer-park neighbors starts ripping off shots from what sounded like a 9mm. Went through four or five magazines fast. In the total darkness. How methed-up do you have to be to do that at 5:30 AM on a Sunday morning? All I know is I don't want to party with them.
Never had a situation like that. But a couple of years ago, I had just gotten in my stand on a Sunday morning - total darkness - and suddenly one of my trailer-park neighbors starts ripping off shots from what sounded like a 9mm. Went through four or five magazines fast. In the total darkness. How methed-up do you have to be to do that at 5:30 AM on a Sunday morning? All I know is I don't want to party with them.
Sounds like a good time to me
My dad and grandad found a freshly dead body while rabbit hunting in the 50s near Knoxville.

Case got solved. Some wack job had killed his girlfriend.

Bet the song "Knoxville Girl" hits you a lot differently than it does most people.
Sounded like someone drove out to the country to yell at the wind. I thought that first shot was for sure suicide.
Sounded like someone drove out to the country to yell at the wind. I thought that first shot was for sure suicide.
Yeah, I counted about 18 rounds in that one barrage. That's a lot of rounds even for murder. Unless of course you are committing a mass shooting and brought your victims to the woods with you.

I suspect (since no bodies were found) a drunk or someone having a mental break caused by an internet forum and wanting to crank off a lot of rounds.