The ROY smokes a bomber!!!

First off he's full of crap. He also makes that "I'm a genius face. I'm about to say something incredibly ignorant but since I made this face you'll believe me." Another thing he does is that forced, fake hysterical laugh after each statement. I hate those smirks he makes and he has the most punchable face I've ever seen.

He hunts pigs over bait at 15yds yet puts out videos for the PERFECT deer arrow and PERFECT elk arrow. He admitted on the Dudley podcast he hasn't shot a deer since 2008 and it was with a gun and he's never elk hunted in his life. I don't care about hunting pigs over bait if it's legal but he needs to stay in his lane.

His cover page describes him as "YouTubes only Bowhunting Researcher" and "The Global Authority on Arrow Effectiveness" He flat out admitted he knows nothing about tuning, etc. He preaches Adult Arrows and Bone Breaking arrows and so forth. How about learn some form, learn to shoot and don't aim for the shoulder. Everything he does is a band aid for not know what he's doing.

Everyone has that one guy they'd like to meet in a dark alley, he's mine. He's done more to hurt bow hunting in the last three years than CWD. I could write a two page rant on that idiot.

I generally have an issue with anyone that says my way is the only way and all the actual experts out there are wrong. Forget that so many hunters have blown thru deer with 400g arrows. Ashbys study was with a trad bow and OLD compounds. In his study he quit using a compound because it was messing him up with too much penetration.

Has anyone seen how much the compound bow had advanced in the last 20 years?

Bottom line is 6-8 years ago Ashby was looking for influencers to push his study. All the big names turned their nose up and knew better and didn't need him. RF on the other hand had no talent or knowledge so that was the only schtick he could cling to. Watch the recent podcast with RF and Dudley. When you tick Dudley off you've accomplished something.
Man, that smarta** laugh he does, I love it. I guess I just comprehend his videos differently. I've never heard him say "aim for the shoulder". I understand his videos as, you're building a bone breaking arrow in the case that animal jumps or moves before the arrow gets there. Preparing for worst case scenario. I don't shoot heavy arrows but would definitely like to give it a try, just to see.
I highly doubt that killing these deer is near as hard as they make it out to be.
The deer that he is killing in Nashville i can bring you and show you how close you can get to them they will let you get to within 10 to 20 yards from them closer that that to some of them. I have been there and pulled up in a driveway while they are bedded down get out of my truck walk up to the house and they never got up they just lay there about 15 yards away. I have cut grass and they just get up and go next door until i get done then they come back. These deer see people every day of their lives they are use to noise, kids playing, grass cutting, A lot of people walking the trails in the park pushing them out of the park into the only 1/2 acre lots and fingers of woods that are left for them to rest. I don't care where they hunt but these deer are not wild deer. But i guess some of them need to be killed out of there. PS Hès not the only person hunting that same area he's just the only one showing what he's doing.
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Heavy thick shafts with big strong heads do provide better penetration. At least that's what she said.
In my testing I found better penetration from micro diameter light arrows at higher velos. Tried multiple setups and ended up giving away all those heavy inserts and thick arrows.

Same premise as me chucking at spear at you vs a sharpened stick of firewood. I also found accuracy with the skinny stuff was much higher. I was pretty objective in my testing. I didn't want to outright call the man a bafoon without at least trying so I gave it a fair shake. He's wrong.
Man, that smarta** laugh he does, I love it. I guess I just comprehend his videos differently. I've never heard him say "aim for the shoulder". I understand his videos as, you're building a bone breaking arrow in the case that animal jumps or moves before the arrow gets there. Preparing for worst case scenario. I don't shoot heavy arrows but would definitely like to give it a try, just to see.
i think you are both correct. His laugh and mannerisms do make me want to punch him. However, his insight into the flaws of mechanical heads and light arrows has saved alot of deer. i couldnt care less about shooting pigs over bait and would get absolutely nothing out of doing so, but his insight into spine strength and arrow sharpening has help me vastly.

i bowhunted for a long time and killed a ton of deer with the old slow bows and heavy arrows of the 1980s and 1990s. Then in 2019 got back into archery and bought a super fast bowtech realmx. started watching archery hunting again and noticed these guys with new bows and cams the size of dinner plates shooting deer and 3/4 of the arrow sticking out. made no sense to me. my old martin compound with baseball sized cams would shoot an easton 2117 all teh way through a deer and bury into the ground. HE HELPED ME UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PROBLEM WAS WITH THOSE SETUPS.

He also put me on to the last broadhead i will ever buy- magnus stinger buzzcuts.
I had a client tell me about a 16+ point deer yesterday he keeps seeing in Nashville, he doesn't hunt and basically said I could. I pulled up pictures of deer I have killed, the biggest one that scores 174" as a 10 point and he points at it and says, he's that big or maybe bigger.

I looked at the maps and there are pockets of 50 acres in there but it's in the middle of the hood. I have zero desire to chase a deer in downtown Nashville.

To each his own, I have killed one big urban deer and really don't have any desire to ever do it again and that deer was adjacent to 1000 acres so he wasn't trapped in pockets. It's not the same as hunting farmland. Yes it takes a lot of time to find these deer typically but once you find them all you have to do is sit in the stand to kill them.

I know for a fact this guy is not retrieving deer legally and I know of game wardens that caught one of these guys trespassing. Heck a buddy of mine caught one of them trespassing last year and he tried to say he was just looking for arrowheads in their soybean fields.
I can see the catch22 of the situation. The deer aren't being hunted so they're overpopulating and eating Betty's shrubs and plants. So the people want some of the deer taken out, but you can't really safely shoot a rifle in a dense neighborhood. So bow is really the only option. Which puts you in the situation where the deer IS going to run to another property, possibly one that has a card carrying PETA owner. Hard for this to be a win-win situation from either side.
I don't care where they hunt but these deer are not wild deer. But i guess some of them need to be killed out of there.
One thing most of the general public doesn't understand,
is that killing bucks has near zero effect on an over-populated, nuisance deer herd.

Ongoing deer populations are reduced almost exclusively by killing female deer.

So when some charismatic lad knocks on your door, sympathizing with all the damage the deer are causing to your expensive shrubbery & plants, offering to come reduce the deer population for you, just tell him, "Great! So long as you only shoot does, don't kill any bucks!"

Say that, and in most cases, you'll never see the lad again, or he'll start offering you money for permission to kill a particular buck.
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One thing most of the general public doesn't understand,
is that killing bucks has near zero effect on an over-populated, nuisance deer herd.

Ongoing deer populations are reduced almost exclusively by killing female
Well apparently he only wants to shoot the bigger bucks.
One thing most of the general public doesn't understand,
is that killing bucks has near zero effect on an over-populated, nuisance deer herd.

Ongoing deer populations are reduced almost exclusively by killing female deer.

So when some charismatic lad knocks on your door, sympathizing with all the damage the deer are causing to your expensive shrubbery & plants, offering to come reduce the deer population for you, just tell him, "Great! So long as you only shoot does, don't kill any bucks!"

Say that, and in most cases, you'll never see the lad again, or he'll start offering you money for permission to kill a particular buck.
Its obvious he doesn't care about the effects on the herd he's just after the big bucks. But i bet he tells the landowner about all that.
The deer that he is killing in Nashville i can bring you and show you how close you can get to them they will let you get to within 10 to 20 yards from them closer that that to some of them. I have been there and pulled up in a driveway while they are bedded down get out of my truck walk up to the house and they never got up they just lay there about 15 yards away. I have cut grass and they just get up and go next door until i get done then they come back. These deer see people every day of their lives they are use to noise, kids playing, grass cutting, A lot of people walking the trails in the park pushing them out of the park into the only 1/2 acre lots and fingers of woods that are left for them to rest. I don't care where they hunt but these deer are not wild deer. But i guess some of them need to be killed out of there. PS Hès not the only person hunting that same area he's just the only one showing what he's doing.
to me what he does is like hunting a high fence place where the acreage is small enough that you could realistically push the deer into a corner and then get the "hunter" in for a shot...

The only difference is the deer he hunts grow those antlers and the ones in the pens are genetically modified. Oh and I guess there isn't a fence, but like you said, the deer do not fear people.
I wouldn't fault someone a bit for shooting a great buck in their suburban neighborhood. They are fair game, no pun intended.

I'm not sure how I feel about someone who tries to build a reputation as a great hunter by doing so, though.

"ThIs DiDnT eNd WeLl (CoPs CaLlEd) is the title of his latest video.

No ethical hunter would celebrate controversy with the future of hunting in mind.
This. If he just hunted and shot deer and didn't act like he was a hero it would be different
Dude couldn't kill a button on someone's private back 40 like most of us hunt. Much less a button on a WMA or NF

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