The ROY smokes a bomber!!!

Thats easy to say, but they do hunt out west and have had success as well.
Some people don't think the back 40 is large enough. They think I should knock on every landowner's door before I shoot a deer in an 18 acre plot of woods on a 30 acre farm in Middle TN. All these people built houses around our farm that we have owned for almost 60 years now. They can all pound sand.
In my testing I found better penetration from micro diameter light arrows at higher velos. Tried multiple setups and ended up giving away all those heavy inserts and thick arrows.

Same premise as me chucking at spear at you vs a sharpened stick of firewood. I also found accuracy with the skinny stuff was much higher. I was pretty objective in my testing. I didn't want to outright call the man a bafoon without at least trying so I gave it a fair shake. He's wrong.
Interested in your testing. I'll start another thread in the archery forum, if you want to go into more detail. Not trying to hijack this thread.
Got you all worked up on a Friday. Reminds me of the turkey forum or the duck forum when TWRA does something.
This whole urban hunting deal is really a ticking time bomb. In the beginning it was like "huh ,that's different" but they are becoming visible now, and after this little stunt, in a bad way. I don't know what these guys do for a living or maybe this is it but if the wrong people get a whiff of this, that pic of a stuck deer on a river bank can go world wide in hours. It's only because they have remained out of the spotlight of society that they haven't been ruined professionally. ( think the dentist and the lion).

We all know full well how screwed up, PETAized and cancel happy urban areas of this country are now, eventually one of these stuck bucks is gonna be flopping pitifully in some yard and the whole deal is gonna be caught on camera, then the Seek One crew is gonna be crucified in the media. The animal rights bunch could choose to latch on to this type of thing and run with it.

Maybe if somebody did this neighborhood buck thing very low key and invisible, maybe they get away with it for a while but if you broadcast it to 9 billion people world wide it's a disaster looking for a place to happen that will affect all hunters.

If some nonhunter saw this crap and asked me about it, shooting deer that stand and stare when people are cutting their grass or having a cookout, as a hunter, I don't know how I could defend it even on a biological game management level,it's really indefensible.
Like I said earlier, nothing wrong (and possibly even necessary) to hunt urban deer.

Making yourself out to be a great hunter by doing so is what is comical.

Takes a team of 15 people to shoot "Randy" the neighborhood 11 point.
Like I said earlier, nothing wrong (and possibly even necessary) to hunt urban deer.

Making yourself out to be a great hunter by doing so is what is comical.

Takes a team of 15 people to shoot "Randy" the neighborhood 11 point.
Agree 100 percent . The broham culture of these urban cowboys is a bit laughable
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My psychic abilities tell me Seek One film coming from Missouri in 4 years.


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I'm going to tell a little story. I'm trying to eliminate the hogs on my place through trapping and shooting. I have an exemption from TWRA for baiting, even during big game season. My deer are not pets, but you can't chase them off the corn. Cell cam going off half the night…which night hunting is part of the exemption. Key takeaway from this rambling post..,shooting these deer would take zero skill! I can't see that as an enjoyable hunt.
Looks like another record breaking seek one thread! Lol, I have watched these threads and seen several comment that the urban deer need to be controlled and hunted. I get that but unless I am missing something these guys are not doing that at all as they are after one thing only it seems, the giant neighborhood buck. I watched the video and as he obtained permission he come back and even says he told the lady that he was after 1 deer only. So unless I am missing something.and I may be as I do them on a regular basis, the controlling the population of deer is not even on the radar for this crew. To each his own but if I go to hunt my food plot and a guy is out weed eating it , I am leaving. These deer are in no way shape or form like the public land.deer that most of us hunt. I just couldn't hunt these deer , that's just me. I will never understand the whole social media craze to post up the kills for all to see by any of the latest social media groups. Whatever happened to just keeping it to yourself, especially on public land? I guess I will never get famous. I am sitting here now and watched a nice buck make a scrape this morning, I would not even post what state I am in much less post up a video! Lol.
They are seekers of fame and fortune. No respect from me. They have found a niche to get recognition and paid, that shows creativity. However, not impressed and prob do more damage to the hunters image than good.
Send those boys over to me in East Tennessee and let's see what kind of skills they have… the mountains.
Now that east side mountain huntin is whole nother critter in itself !
Imagine going into a zoo to shoot neighborhood animals, and still not being able to make a clean shot.
Back in the day me and my wife were at a place with a petting zoo and they had deer there. So the folks and kids are petting the deer and all and I was running my hands over one and my wife noticed, she said " what are you doing?" I said I was feeling where all the shoulder blade and shoulder bones were, she said " you're a sick SOB! 😲🤣🤣🤦🏻
I know or found out that realtree yelped this site a few years ago. And personally happy for that. But I am not surprised that they support them at all. I'll keep it at that.
Realtree is / was the ONLY reason tndeer survived.
As with most companies these days, Realtree is not the company it used to be.

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