Things found in the woods

Colorado 2019 mule deer hunt...miles from the nearest dirt road...started finding broken pieces of different color glass, pottery, etc. Then I came upon this portion of an old wagon frame with axle...along with a wooden wheel can only imagine how it got there and what happened?


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Upper Kirkland creek (Tellico area), a long way from any current road I found a very heavy 1" steam valve. For a bit I could not imagine any possible reason why it would be there. It seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere. Then I remembered stories of my grandfather going to work in those mountains logging timber at age 14. Big smile time. They used narrow gauge rail to get the timber out. Those thoughts of him working in those mountains at 14 without Goretex, Thinsulate, or any of the modern aids we have now have motivated me to try to be a little tougher and stay a little longer. Pic is the train at Bald River falls downstream from where I found the valve
Not the woods, but on the Gulf Coast. A couple years ago my wife and I were walking up the beach, looking for shells and people watching. I said to her " how weird would it be to find a wedding ring". Not 2 minutes later, I spot something shiny tumbling in the surf…it was a silver men's wedding band.
Upper Kirkland creek (Tellico area), a long way from any current road I found a very heavy 1" steam valve. For a bit I could not imagine any possible reason why it would be there. It seemed like it was in the middle of nowhere. Then I remembered stories of my grandfather going to work in those mountains logging timber at age 14. Big smile time. They used narrow gauge rail to get the timber out. Those thoughts of him working in those mountains at 14 without Goretex, Thinsulate, or any of the modern aids we have now have motivated me to try to be a little tougher and stay a little longer. Pic is the train at Bald River falls downstream from where I found the valve View attachment 135979
I was fishing along that area on the Brookshire creek side and found a piece of that rail. It was about 4 feet long. Needless to say I left it there.
Several days after the tornado outbreak in April 2011 I was walking through the woods and finding all sorts of debris. Most of it was construction stuff, insulation, shingles, pieces of siding etc. I did find a baseball card and a canceled check from someone in Rainsville Alabama. Rainsville is around 120 miles away.
I was curious about the cancelled check and Googled the name on it which led me to an obituary. Seems the man whose name was on the check had perished in the storm along with his wife and Mother. It really gave me a weird feeling knowing the horror that they must of gone through.
On a lighter area of the county was called the moonshine capital. My property has a Spring running through it and i've found the remains of a couple of stills. No copper but plenty of old rusted out 55 gallon barrels, pieces of pipe and mason jars.
I've also found a couple of old horseshoes, old whiskey bottles, and what was once a logging chain.
I too have found some of the remains of an old still up in the head of a hollow where a good spring came out of the mountain. I was amazed at how far off the beaten path this stuff was. Took a lot of work to get that stuff back there. That was over 30 years ago and haven't been back there since.