Things found in the woods

Needless to say, I was pretty shook up for awhile. Makes you wonder what else you may have been close to and never knew was there.
Working in the woods so much, I've always worried I would find someone's remains. Thankfully, hasn't happened yet, but I've sure walked up on some dangerous stuff (meth labs, pot plantations, other illegal activity).
We all go to the woods to get away from the day to day crap of the general populace. Unfortunately, the things we try to get away from are finding their way to the woods as well. It is a shame that you can no longer go outdoors and feel safe with out carrying.
Sunday, March 22, 2020- I had decided to go to our land and do some work. I had moved a ladder stand and cleared some brush out of a shooting lane at one of the shooting houses. I finished at around 3:00 pm and decided to go on a walk about and look for sign and hopefully find some morels. When I returned to my sxs, I was headed out to the truck, when I decided to check one more spot. As I was climbing the ridge to get on a shelf where I had found morels before, I spotted something blue on the side hill. I assumed it was something that the recent tornadoes had left and would carry it out when I left. As I got closer, I had a strange feeling come over me. I thought for a minute that someone was messing with me. It appeared to be a scarecrow , but as I got closer, I realized that it was a body. It had been there for a while. By this time, it was about 4:00 pm. I had to go to the top of the ridge to get cell reception and called 911. I spent the rest of the evening and into night with the sheriff's department and TBI investigators on the scene. It was later determined that he was a missing person from January that had become lost and died of exposure.
I can't describe the feeling of finding a body out like that. It was the last thing that I would have expected to run across at that location. The only good part of the situation is that the family could finally get closure. It was an experience that I hope to never have again. I was thankful that my son was not with me at the time, as he is usually with me when I go to the farm.
how long had that person been missing?
On Aetna mountain years ago I found 2 vibrators and sheets of plastic tarp while deer hunting. They were half a mile from each other and just as far into the woods. Don't even want to know why they were there but up there it didn't surprise me.
My fiend found 14 brand new handguns (from Ruger 44 Mag to Ruger 22s)(Archery deer hunt, CO mtns in 1963)(some matched pairs). I was on same hunt. Heard him hollering, Thought he might be injured so went to him. He had found some disturbed soil so dug down a few inches, All were in one wooden box wrapped in oily rags. After discussion we determined was probably stolen so took to local sheriff. Sheriff said they had to "list" them for 90 days and if no one claimed them, they were his. Called Sherriff's office in about 89 days. They said no on had claimed them. Called back to Sheriff in 91 days, they said someone claimed them. HHMMMM???
There are some great stories and finds here…
Some of y'all may remember my story about almost drowning in the Duck River during the 2020 deer season. I told y'all that I got the rifles out of the river, but I didn't tell this part:

After we found the gear we were cruising down river just enjoying the beautiful day and scenery. I saw something in the water around 100 yards away and couldn't quite make it out. After a flood you find all kinds of crazy stuff in the river, of course. As we got within 40-50 yards I felt a chill run down my spine. I thought I could make out a flesh colored object and what appeared to be fingers. The closer we got the more sure I was that it was a body. Since it still looked like skin it had to be pretty fresh. The hands arms were twisted up all weird like it had been bound. Then I made out the neck with no head attached. Then I see a threaded hole in the top of the neck and felt a surge of relief. It was clearly a high end poseable sex doll that you could swap out the heads on (how handy!). You can't make this up! Our best theory is that somebody's woman found it and got jealous so she threw it in the river 😂
There are some great stories and finds here…
Some of y'all may remember my story about almost drowning in the Duck River during the 2020 deer season. I told y'all that I got the rifles out of the river, but I didn't tell this part:

After we found the gear we were cruising down river just enjoying the beautiful day and scenery. I saw something in the water around 100 yards away and couldn't quite make it out. After a flood you find all kinds of crazy stuff in the river, of course. As we got within 40-50 yards I felt a chill run down my spine. I thought I could make out a flesh colored object and what appeared to be fingers. The closer we got the more sure I was that it was a body. Since it still looked like skin it had to be pretty fresh. The hands arms were twisted up all weird like it had been bound. Then I made out the neck with no head attached. Then I see a threaded hole in the top of the neck and felt a surge of relief. It was clearly a high end poseable sex doll that you could swap out the heads on (how handy!). You can't make this up! Our best theory is that somebody's woman found it and got jealous so she threw it in the river 😂View attachment 135056
Please tell me you have it now. Ill give you $350 rn for it. I've got a beautiful replacement head for it that I've been saving just for a situation like this.
Please tell me you have it now. Ill give you $350 rn for it. I've got a beautiful replacement head for it that I've been saving just for a situation like this.
No way I was going to touch that thing! I don't want to google it, but would imagine the new product would be multiple thousands of dollars…
A hunting buddy borrowed my gutting knife. I told him to be careful as that knife was given to me by a dear hunting partner years ago and I'd field dressed every deer I'd killed with it since I had it. He lost it. I came back and looked for a long time and found it. I was so glad.
There are some great stories and finds here…
Some of y'all may remember my story about almost drowning in the Duck River during the 2020 deer season. I told y'all that I got the rifles out of the river, but I didn't tell this part:

After we found the gear we were cruising down river just enjoying the beautiful day and scenery. I saw something in the water around 100 yards away and couldn't quite make it out. After a flood you find all kinds of crazy stuff in the river, of course. As we got within 40-50 yards I felt a chill run down my spine. I thought I could make out a flesh colored object and what appeared to be fingers. The closer we got the more sure I was that it was a body. Since it still looked like skin it had to be pretty fresh. The hands arms were twisted up all weird like it had been bound. Then I made out the neck with no head attached. Then I see a threaded hole in the top of the neck and felt a surge of relief. It was clearly a high end poseable sex doll that you could swap out the heads on (how handy!). You can't make this up! Our best theory is that somebody's woman found it and got jealous so she threw it in the river 😂View attachment 135056

Was she ok after you cleaned her up? 😂😂
Sunday, March 22, 2020- I had decided to go to our land and do some work. I had moved a ladder stand and cleared some brush out of a shooting lane at one of the shooting houses. I finished at around 3:00 pm and decided to go on a walk about and look for sign and hopefully find some morels. When I returned to my sxs, I was headed out to the truck, when I decided to check one more spot. As I was climbing the ridge to get on a shelf where I had found morels before, I spotted something blue on the side hill. I assumed it was something that the recent tornadoes had left and would carry it out when I left. As I got closer, I had a strange feeling come over me. I thought for a minute that someone was messing with me. It appeared to be a scarecrow , but as I got closer, I realized that it was a body. It had been there for a while. By this time, it was about 4:00 pm. I had to go to the top of the ridge to get cell reception and called 911. I spent the rest of the evening and into night with the sheriff's department and TBI investigators on the scene. It was later determined that he was a missing person from January that had become lost and died of exposure.
I can't describe the feeling of finding a body out like that. It was the last thing that I would have expected to run across at that location. The only good part of the situation is that the family could finally get closure. It was an experience that I hope to never have again. I was thankful that my son was not with me at the time, as he is usually with me when I go to the farm.
That is to crazy hope I don't find a body that would freak me out.

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