Whew what a thread and some amazing bucks posted!
Only one really haunts me. Growing up in rural southern Ohio I've had more than a lion's share of opportunities at some superb bucks. But one above all others bothers me, and for many layers of reasons.
Long story short while mushroom hunting my brother found a single shed that measured 87". Understandably he was obsessed and spent all summer learning as much as he could about the buck. He started hunting him on archery opener but never saw the buck so he invited me Thanksgiving week up for a second set of eyes & fresh opinion. My first sit was an evening hunt and sure enough the buck comes straight to my rattling horns. I made what I thought was a great shot and there was lots of blood and a crash site but no dead deer. Next day we bump him up while tracking. The buck stands up, groans, then wanders off straight away from us. I broke off in a dead sprint after him but never did see the buck again. Never in my life have I seen a deer bleed so much without dying.
It was the only time I've ever had a legit 200"+ buck in front of me while hunting, and I screwed it up. Not only did I feel like donkey punch for wounding the animal, but I felt even worse knowing how invested my brother was in hunting him. He's the one who discovered, scouted, and studied the deer. I only hunted him by invite for a couple of hours. I still feel horrible. Best and worst hunting experience of my life all wrapped up in one.