Awesome deer rem270. Its rare for me to have more than 3 seasons experience with any deer
im the same, but the antlers meaning nothing to me. Its now about age. Im fascinated by old bucks. Thick shoulders, bull necked ol scarred warriors that have been able to survive both man, his peers, natural predators snd the harsh elements for many many moons. Genetics and nutrition are variable that are hard for most of us to have a big impact on. But to catch up with deer that has survived 5.5 or 6.5 years, is something special. Where i live now i see lots if very high end 3.5s that zero temptation to shoot. Their slender necks narrow shoulder tell me all i need to know….they are too vulnerable and lack the experience they need to survive. But let a super mature 220 pound drift through like w ghost and im like a dog with rabies- regardless of his score