A very effective way to persuade the (typically emotionally driven) general public that deer must be hunted and harvested even in urban areas is to give them the "How Do Deer Die?" talk:
"What are the six ways all deer die:
- ½ of all new born fawns die during their first year of life as they provide food for the parents and young families of coyotes, bears, bobcats, and other predators. Without this food source the new born young of these animal's families would slowly starve to death.
- Some deer are infected with deadly diseases like CWD or EHD and slowly painfully die,
- Some deer starve and/or freeze to death slowly during exceptionally cold winters,
- Some deer are hit by cars and with broken bones and other internal injuries crawl off to die slowly,
- Some deer live to an older age (7-10 years) until they become weak and are chased down and bitten to death by predators like coyotes and bears that then eat them for food, and
- Some deer are harvested through hunting during government regulated hunting seasons and are usually killed quickly and humanely with a hunter's bullet or arrow. Those deer are used to feed the hunter's families or provide lean, wholesome, badly needed red meat to many charities like "Hunters for the Hungry."
So if you were a deer, and given a choice, how would you like to die? Keep in mind that if deer numbers aren't reduced in urban areas by regulated hunting there is a chance at least some deer will be hit by someone's car."
Feel free to print his out and hand it out at your next HOA meeting!