Too many deer

kaizen leader

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2022
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How can we start reducing all the deer in these subdivisions? With no dogs running loose and all the salad available they are populating like rabbits. The bleeding hearts think it's because the wildlife is being driven out of their natural habitat but they are wrong. The deer eat everything residents put in the ground, get hit by cars, and are a nuisance. Any suggestions?
Only thing I've seen work is a partnership between HOAs and bow-hunting groups. The two work in partnership to allow bow-hunting in the suburban areas while doing everything possible to assure residents they will be safe. Often this takes meetings between the two groups so they get to know each other on a personal level. The two groups then agree on a goal - such as reducing deer densities by "X" amount, which will require removing "Y" number of deer - and the methodology to achieve that goal - how and when hunting will occur, etc.

Suburban deer are a serious problem.
I'm in a HOA and no problem picking off a few here. My son lives a 1/2 mile away but not in a HOA. He had 32 in his back yard. Those are over and above the 10 to 15 that live in my HOA and are all does. I'm sure this spring will yield 20+ fawns. We get a couple triplets and mostly twins so that could be conservative. I can't deal with as many as I could shoot. During rut the number goes up but I have no idea where the bucks come from. It's a big problem. Oh well. 🤷‍♂️
I'm in a HOA and no problem picking off a few here. My son lives a 1/2 mile away but not in a HOA. He had 32 in his back yard. Those are over and above the 10 to 15 that live in my HOA and are all does. I'm sure this spring will yield 20+ fawns. We get a couple triplets and mostly twins so that could be conservative. I can't deal with as many as I could shoot. During rut the number goes up but I have no idea where the bucks come from. It's a big problem. Oh well. 🤷‍♂️
Hunters for the hungry?
A very effective way to persuade the (typically emotionally driven) general public that deer must be hunted and harvested even in urban areas is to give them the "How Do Deer Die?" talk:

"What are the six ways all deer die:

  • ½ of all new born fawns die during their first year of life as they provide food for the parents and young families of coyotes, bears, bobcats, and other predators. Without this food source the new born young of these animal's families would slowly starve to death.
  • Some deer are infected with deadly diseases like CWD or EHD and slowly painfully die,
  • Some deer starve and/or freeze to death slowly during exceptionally cold winters,
  • Some deer are hit by cars and with broken bones and other internal injuries crawl off to die slowly,
  • Some deer live to an older age (7-10 years) until they become weak and are chased down and bitten to death by predators like coyotes and bears that then eat them for food, and
  • Some deer are harvested through hunting during government regulated hunting seasons and are usually killed quickly and humanely with a hunter's bullet or arrow. Those deer are used to feed the hunter's families or provide lean, wholesome, badly needed red meat to many charities like "Hunters for the Hungry."
So if you were a deer, and given a choice, how would you like to die? Keep in mind that if deer numbers aren't reduced in urban areas by regulated hunting there is a chance at least some deer will be hit by someone's car."

Feel free to print his out and hand it out at your next HOA meeting!
Public meeting ,in Hendersonville, and it's usually about 50-50. Half want the deer thinned out considerably. The other half love em and don't want any killed.
Hendersonville has many many deer hunters and very few want to hunt on someone's deck or patio. Bow hunt? Shoot one and have it run out into a school yard to die would not be pretty.
Gun hunts? Well that's out of the question for obvious reasons.
I say let em multiply and let mother nature take its course.
"The other half love em and don't want any killed." This is a problem that has had extensive not-so-subtle impacts on American society for many years. Emotionally not-directly-impacted-by-current-realty driven "virtue signaling". It's why people vote for "lunatic liberals" until reality hits them in the face. In NYC and Chicago some people are finally waking up when their children are displace to house illegal immigrants, that they are forced to pay for, etc, etc. And Californians are asking "Why the hell wasn't there any water for the fire trucks." It's why Trump was elected by so many different kinds of people in so many different kinds of places because they were finally dealing with reality. I still have a (very) few of what I call "friends from the seventies". They live in a common sense red state and still vote for dumb-ass blue Democrats. I do not waste my breath talking with them any more. You just present them the facts (like I just outlined about deer dyeing) and then look for a way to show them how their emotionally driven decisions and actions are affecting them directly. In their safety, freedoms, health, or wallets.
"The other half love em and don't want any killed." This is a problem that has had extensive not-so-subtle impacts on American society for many years. Emotionally not-directly-impacted-by-current-realty driven "virtue signaling". It's why people vote for "lunatic liberals" until reality hits them in the face. In NYC and Chicago some people are finally waking up when their children are displace to house illegal immigrants, that they are forced to pay for, etc, etc. And Californians are asking "Why the hell wasn't there any water for the fire trucks." It's why Trump was elected by so many different kinds of people in so many different kinds of places because they were finally dealing with reality. I still have a (very) few of what I call "friends from the seventies". They live in a common sense red state and still vote for dumb-ass blue Democrats. I do not waste my breath talking with them any more. You just present them the facts (like I just outlined about deer dyeing) and then look for a way to show them how their emotionally driven decisions and actions are affecting them directly. In their safety, freedoms, health, or wallets.
What the he'll are you talking about?
A very effective way to persuade the (typically emotionally driven) general public that deer must be hunted and harvested even in urban areas is to give them the "How Do Deer Die?" talk:

"What are the six ways all deer die:

  • ½ of all new born fawns die during their first year of life as they provide food for the parents and young families of coyotes, bears, bobcats, and other predators. Without this food source the new born young of these animal's families would slowly starve to death.
  • Some deer are infected with deadly diseases like CWD or EHD and slowly painfully die,
  • Some deer starve and/or freeze to death slowly during exceptionally cold winters,
  • Some deer are hit by cars and with broken bones and other internal injuries crawl off to die slowly,
  • Some deer live to an older age (7-10 years) until they become weak and are chased down and bitten to death by predators like coyotes and bears that then eat them for food, and
  • Some deer are harvested through hunting during government regulated hunting seasons and are usually killed quickly and humanely with a hunter's bullet or arrow. Those deer are used to feed the hunter's families or provide lean, wholesome, badly needed red meat to many charities like "Hunters for the Hungry."
So if you were a deer, and given a choice, how would you like to die? Keep in mind that if deer numbers aren't reduced in urban areas by regulated hunting there is a chance at least some deer will be hit by someone's car."

Feel free to print his out and hand it out at your next HOA meeting!
No HOA problem here. I'm the president. 😂
When it comes to wildlife and a lot of nature related issues most people are raised without any real relationship with nature any more and never see the growth-life-death cycles. They grow up in cities and suburbs and never gather, grow, hunt, fish, kill, and prepare any of the food they actually eat. They see wildlife as warm-fuzzy-cuddly things and follow the Disney and Hollywood movies and see wildlife as Bambi like creatures with human traits. Its called anthropomorphism. Not seeing the reality of what confronts them. A good example is that when deer herds grow exponentially and have to be reduced people in Northeast Blue cities will often hire sharpshooters to come in at night and quietly cull the heard because they don't want to see it or think about. And they frequently don't do that until deer are dying on the highways in front of them or eating their expensive shrubbery. Many of the political changes that we are seeing are the result of a similar kind of "wake-up" to realty as lifelong Democrats are saying this is insane and does not work! RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, and even some Border Democrats are waking up to the fact that feel-good Democratic Party norms are not sustainable and an uncontrolled influx of migrants will exhaust OUR resources. Maybe feel-good HOA members that don't like the concept of hunting will wake up to the impact of an uncontrolled influx of deer when deer start dying in their driveways.
When it comes to wildlife and a lot of nature related issues most people are raised without any real relationship with nature any more and never see the growth-life-death cycles. They grow up in cities and suburbs and never gather, grow, hunt, fish, kill, and prepare any of the food they actually eat. They see wildlife as warm-fuzzy-cuddly things and follow the Disney and Hollywood movies and see wildlife as Bambi like creatures with human traits. Its called anthropomorphism. Not seeing the reality of what confronts them. A good example is that when deer herds grow exponentially and have to be reduced people in Northeast Blue cities will often hire sharpshooters to come in at night and quietly cull the heard because they don't want to see it or think about. And they frequently don't do that until deer are dying on the highways in front of them or eating their expensive shrubbery. Many of the political changes that we are seeing are the result of a similar kind of "wake-up" to realty as lifelong Democrats are saying this is insane and does not work! RFK Jr, Tulsi Gabbard, and even some Border Democrats are waking up to the fact that feel-good Democratic Party norms are not sustainable and an uncontrolled influx of migrants will exhaust OUR resources. Maybe feel-good HOA members that don't like the concept of hunting will wake up to the impact of an uncontrolled influx of deer when deer start dying in their driveways.
They won't but ignorance is bliss. Thx
A very effective way to persuade the (typically emotionally driven) general public that deer must be hunted and harvested even in urban areas is to give them the "How Do Deer Die?" talk:

"What are the six ways all deer die:

  • ½ of all new born fawns die during their first year of life as they provide food for the parents and young families of coyotes, bears, bobcats, and other predators. Without this food source the new born young of these animal's families would slowly starve to death.
  • Some deer are infected with deadly diseases like CWD or EHD and slowly painfully die,
  • Some deer starve and/or freeze to death slowly during exceptionally cold winters,
  • Some deer are hit by cars and with broken bones and other internal injuries crawl off to die slowly,
  • Some deer live to an older age (7-10 years) until they become weak and are chased down and bitten to death by predators like coyotes and bears that then eat them for food, and
  • Some deer are harvested through hunting during government regulated hunting seasons and are usually killed quickly and humanely with a hunter's bullet or arrow. Those deer are used to feed the hunter's families or provide lean, wholesome, badly needed red meat to many charities like "Hunters for the Hungry."
So if you were a deer, and given a choice, how would you like to die? Keep in mind that if deer numbers aren't reduced in urban areas by regulated hunting there is a chance at least some deer will be hit by someone's car."

Feel free to print his out and hand it out at your next HOA meeting!
You left out that some of those deer killed/eaten by bears and coyotes (whether they hunted it, or the deer survived a vehicle strike but was badly injured) are still alive when the eating begins.