Trail Cam left on Public Land - view the pics?

You stumble across a game camera left on public land. You have a card reader with you.

Do you pull the SD card, download pics and return the card back to the camera as is, or dont touch it?
I won't touch the cam because I wouldn't want anyone touching mine whether "legal" to do so or not. I have written my number down on paper (always carry sharpie and paper to the woods) and held in front of cam so it gets a pic and the person can contact me and maybe we can share info or to let them know I am hunting the same area.
Did I mention that I feel trail cameras are for lazy,, baiting, slob, non sportsman types. Despise them, and those that use them. This is just my opinion thru years of experience though.
Oh the stories!!
Not public land but family members of land owners are the worst sometimes!. I find my cards locked, missing, changed. Reconyx cameras will start a new file every time a camera is turned off or card is pulled sometimes I find a new file for every day in the field. Going thru 1500 to 3000 pictures is a real pain when each day is a different file. One changed my non-cell camera out for a cell cam programmed to send to himself but not me so I moved it to a big hollow den tree that squirrels and coons visit often.
Some guys do silly stuff in front of a cameras others always walk behind the one they see.
Did I mention that I feel trail cameras are for lazy,, baiting, slob, non sportsman types. Despise them, and those that use them. This is just my opinion thru years of experience though.
I dont think they are for the lazy. They are alot of work and hassle to keep going.
You stumble across a game camera left on public land. You have a card reader with you.

Do you pull the SD card, download pics and return the card back to the camera as is, or dont touch it?
I might be tempted to in light of how they sometimes make me feel when I come across one. However, NO, I would not. Jesus said "as you would wish others do to you, do so to them."
Side conversation: You find a camera on public land with a big pile of corn in front of it.

Do you report it?

Without hesitation. That pile of corn effectively makes that immediate area illegal for anybody to hunt. Regardless if the person who poured it planned to hunt or not, it screws everybody else out of hunting there.

Several years ago I was scouting a piece of public and came across a line of peanut butter jars screwed to trees leading to a ladder stand. The guy had cams watching the trail of peanut butter. I reported it immediately.
Why not? Someone might be bringing a stand in or hunting on the ground but whether they hunting over it or not, it's illegal for public land in TN.
Too many unknown variables. During hunting season, before hunting season, how many days until the start?
Why not? Someone might be bringing a stand in or hunting on the ground but whether they hunting over it or not, it's illegal for public land in TN.
Good point, assuming it's during the season. Is it illegal to put out corn in public; how about food plots and minerals?
Too many unknown variables. During hunting season, before hunting season, how many days until the start?

Good point, assuming it's during the season. Is it illegal to put out corn in public; how about food plots and minerals?
My understanding per our old GW if memory serves is that putting out corn on public, TWRA WMA's or otherwise, is illegal anytime, anywhere…(although in the hunting guide the feeding or attracting wildlife with feed prohibition only mentions WMA's.) Mineral licks are ok for all public land as far as I know.
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My understanding is that putting out corn on public, TWRA WMA's or otherwise, is illegal anytime, anywhere. Mineral licks are ok but I'd check for each WMA.
Good to know, I don't hunt public, and would probably never leave anything out there if I did, but I was unaware of that. So in that light, then yes, I would probably make the GW aware.
Did I mention that I feel trail cameras are for lazy,, baiting, slob, non sportsman types. Despise them, and those that use them. This is just my opinion thru years of experience though.
You might mess with the wrong person's property one day and find out why that's a bad idea.

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