Trail cams saving bucks….

Cell cams have cost more deer their lives than they have saved in my neck of the woods. Pretty easy to bait one up to the camera and go shoot it. Happens commonly here.
I see how that could happen, but people were baiting long before cameras
Certainly saves a few for me. Especially when it's peak chasing, and one of the top end 2.5-3.5 year olds chases a doe by you at 50mph. To be able to recognize/identify the deer immediately and not let the adrenaline and chaos of the moment take over saves regret later.
Im one that will never ever shoot until i know for absolutely sure. Id rather let one go than should have been shot, than shoot one that should have been passed. But since im pretty much bow only now, that isnt a huge issue
For sure! There have been many bucks I've passed due to recognizing them right off the bat. I study them hard. Many of them would have been shot at in that 20 second window opening had I not noticed a certain characteristic in the rack.

Knowing the caliber of deer you have helps you set your personal standard. I passed a very nice 10 pt this year twice. Both times he looked impressive and had I not known what deer he was and never gotten a picture of him, he'd probably be dead. But I already had my mind made up. The last pictures I have of him were very early December. If he makes it to next year, he will be very impressive