Trailer tires


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2007
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In a river hopefully!
Dumb question #127

I always have to look this up but if my trailer tires says 80 PSI COLD at max pressure…….
Do you run it at 80 to start a trip?

That just seems too high, but I'm no trailer expert.


Maxxis Radial M8008

Guess it's good to go , but I took them to 60psi. Will check down the road if I need to bug out

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On a car look inside the door. If it says 40 and the tire says 55, I'll do 50. Also on trailer tires and boats I'd say age is a bigger problem than mileage. My new chipper tire blew at 6 months old from dry rot , the tires that looked new with great tread was about 4 yrs old.
I would run them about 7-8 psi under the rating on the tire.

Trailer tires are a total joke sometimes. Some are really good and others are junk. It doesn't matter what the name brand is. I had a spare on my bass boat trailer years ago that never saw the pavement. It was a Goodyear radial trailer tire. I kept it at 40psi. The only time it ever saw sunlight was the days I went fishing. I kept a boat cover on the boat that covered the tire too. One summer the kids were playing outside and heard a loud noise. I was at work and my wife was inside and heard it too. I got home and they told me about it. Couldn't find anything out of place. A couple weeks later I took the cover off to go fishing and found the tire had exploded. It blew the outside tread off and split just like in pic 7mm08 posted. Except it blew it off 3/4 the way around the tire. It was a 6 yr old tire with zero dry rot.
What size are those E rated tires? I had a blowout on my camper a month ago, did 1800 bucks worth of damage to the camper! I tried my best to find E rated tires to put back on it, I wasnt making another pull with those chinese maypops. I ended up having to go back with Goodyears but they are only D rated tires. 205/75/14 is my size. I couldnt find a 14in tire of any size rated higher than D.

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