

Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
Just North of Chatt-town
Well I just got back from checking my set up, specially constructed to hopefully snap a pic of some of the sorry, good for absolutely nothing, trespasser thieves that have been stealing my cams and whatever they can find on my place. I finally got some pics of one of them at 4:17:50 on June 26th, coming thru with a flashlight. Looks to be zeroeing in on a stand I have out there, that I had just taken down a little over a month ago, for fear of them getting it since they had already found my trail cam close by. He stopped in the last two pics and was shining the light upward in the direction of that stand. I can't post pics yet as I'm on my phone right now, but will be able to later on this weekend hopefully. I'm getting closer to finding out who these sorry pieces of trash are...
I'll have to post the pic Mon, can't do it from my phone just yet. I can't make out who he is as he is walking away at an angle. But it looks like he stopped just behind a tree and was shining the light on the trees, imo most likely looking for the ladder to one of my loc ons that I had taken down right after they stole my cam. Lucky I had an ir cam right there , else he would have no doubt seen the flash and I would have had another cam stolen, like the last one. He knows there are cams and stands back in there now, I just hope he keeps roaming around now bc I have more eyes out there now, and I'd say its just a matter of time before I get the shot I need to do him in .
I would set them folks up put a low jack or cell phone tracking device or they make some that go in a laptop that I would put in camera find these people and prosecute there butts off! Make sure it's a theft over $500 so it's a felony! Talked to police tell them what your going to do. I'm not sure if u can prosecute with just a pic? I hate a thief!!!
I got 4 or 5 people on cam trespassing and the only thing the sheriff is a little fine and that's about it .
gun,bullets,lime, reality either more cameras or catch them in the act..gun,bullets,decisions!!good luck my brother,a thief is a low life piece of shat and karma is a beeach
What's bad with mine there coming In about the same time . If I ever get a day off I scared the living crap out of them
Thanks guys. This crap is just beyond enough I tell you the truth. I can't do anything, or set up anything, w/o the high anxiety of wondering if it will even be there when I come back or not. I will for sure prosecute to the fullest extent whoever it is when I finally catch em, they can count on that.
MUP said:
Gonna have to make an example of one for the rest to think about I reckon. I'm sick, sooo sick of these jackwagons.

I thought the same thing too with prosecuting poachers. 27 more later and I wonder when it will end! Good luck, I hope you catch them.
I live in Chattanooga, i will go with you if you want me too. If he is looking for it and didn't find anything, he will more than likely pop back in during the day second guessing if he over looked it. We could bait him. When he climbs up the ladder to disconnect it, we could take the ladder out from under him leaving him in the stand and leave. While he trying to figure out how to get down, we could take his car/truck and have a demolition derby around some trees.