
Thanks for the offer to help DR. ;) If he comes back in daylight, I'll most likely have a much better pic of him. I'm just racking my brain right now trying to figure out which way he came in from. Don't know if he was wandering, or if he came straight from point A to point B. In other words, I see the line he was walking from the pics, but wonder if he circled around while searching, or made a bee line from the starting point, ie his home. Oh btw, I had fortunately taken the stick ladders down when my cam was stolen, being concerned that they would indeed return for my stands, which looks to be the case now.
Great way to spend your time, patrolling your recreation property! [sarcasm]

I passed on a nice piece of hunting ground recently, precisely because of this. I knew if I wasn't on the property the "neighbors" would be.
Oh yea, no doubt. Most likely a tract or two over, but most likely just lives on an acre or less, yet thinks he is king of the mtn and can do as he pleases in the "woods" out there. I've had a couple or three that I've caught over the years that lived on the edge bordering my property. They move into an acre or less lot bordering my place, or even close by, and somehow think they have a right to hunt the entire area surrounding their house. I've tried to be nice enough, just letting folks know that this is the land that I hunt, and my cousins too, and its just not big enough for any more hunters. Then, I had to start posting signs, and it seems to have had no effect, or has gotten worse in reality. Now I can't leave a single thing out there w/o worrying if it will get stolen before I can get back to it.
It may just be business as usual for these thieves, but I take it as a slap in the face, and will treat it as such. Is it too overboard of me to take it as such? I just can't seem to not take it so personally.
de novo said:
Great way to spend your time, patrolling your recreation property! [sarcasm]

I passed on a nice piece of hunting ground recently, precisely because of this. I knew if I wasn't on the property the "neighbors" would be.

Yea, its never-ending as a landowner. Folks have trouble with their leased properties , but I'm beginning to believe that, as a landowner, its much more personal when someone violates your land.
i live two hours away from my hunting sight,pretty much just go with the flow.what i do not know only leaves me guessing.ill be damned though to roll over if i catch you .we are going to have issues and pretty much jury served as we speak.sounds like a guy just rambling but what i own is mine(and the goverments!!l.o.l.)come on over and lets see how it plays out
MUP said:
Anyone have a program that can bring out any more detail possibly?

You can do it on photobucket, but I don't know (haven't tried) since it has been updated. Good luck with them. I won't say what would happen to them if I caught them on my land
greygoose said:
sorry for my rambling, just hearing your issues and knowing mine it is so frustrating. easy to talk crap but never easy to solve issues

I feel your pain gg, trust me. My mind is spinning trying to figure out how to catch these sorry pieces of crap, then, what to do with them once I do catch them. :mad:
Hey MUP I may have a old broken camera around the house somewhere that you could use as bait and and place a good camera up in a tree close by knowing they will come take that camera and surely while they're taking the bait camera you'll get a good face picture
Wow man that sucks.. Do you know anyone around there maybe fits the shape of the jackprick? You must've done a good job of hiding the cam. Hope you get him eventually.