
I would hate to deal with tresspassers.... it sucks I'm sure... breaking laws or not, you get caught on my property, uninvited, that I pay for and work for my benefit.... you get whats coming to you... period. Don't be on my land if you value your well-being.
You can't imagine the half of it Griz. Constantly wondering if my stand is still there for the next morning's hunt, trail cam still there? Pent up frustration unleashed on these low lifes would likely be debilitating for them. I've seen their lights coming in from the opposite direction as I was coming in to hunt in the mornings, and, see lights exiting far off at the end of the hunt after dark. Like a dang nest of ants almost.
Yeah that sucks. We live out here in the country too and dad had someone rip the radiator out of his old truck. I'm out here in birchwood and don't know how close you are to that but we have trouble with people stealing stuff too and drug running and making. The neighbors told us a few months ago that narcotics and police were in the woods looking and waiting for some drug runners. Best of luck to you and hope you nab them. If it was me I would somehow energize it to give them a jolt somehow or put a trap out. Dads got some stuff rigged with some old anti sleep buzzers people used to use when driving that when the connection is lost it has a loud alarm go off.
MUP, have you thought about downloading a navigation app to your phone and removing all markers in the woods? I no longer use bright eyes, tape or reflectors of any kind and use my phone to get me to my hunting spots in the morning. Hope you catch this idiot!!
No markers used, as this is my family land I've owned and hunted for many years. These scum lowlife's apparently wander all over creation back there and just happen upon my stuff, cams, stands, etc, and just take it. I had a loggy bayou loc-on stolen one year that was in the middle of nowhere back there, at least as far as a trespasser would be concerned, and they came in a week after season was closed and took it down, along with the fold up screw in steps for it. :mad: Dang, my bp gets up every time I think about these douches. :mad:
It sucks somedays to be honest and do what is right and the lowlife that just walks in like they own the place and rob you blind. I have lost two buddy stands that were even cable locked to a tree and lost a couple of trail cams to boot. Good luck on getting them and wish I could be there to see the look on their sorry faces when they are arrested!!!
Get some orange flagging tape and mark a bogus route to a stand not worth much to be stolen. Write your name on the stand somewhere small that most likely wont be seen, make a marking on it only you will know. When he sees the new flagging he will think you've hung a stand. Put your trail cam out like you have now and maybe another one if you have one. Get the pics of him to see who it is then when he gets the stand, report it stolen and police can identify it and give it back to you. Also if you know who the person is , and have this markings on the stand, the police can do a search warrant at his house to retrieve the property legally and probably more of your property. Plus take him to jail. Your probably not the only victim
DeerKiller2012 said:
By the way the cam pics say 0:15 if I remember correctly ? Is that correct ? If so that's 12:15 a.m

No, that time/date stamp was off, but I had another cam nearby that was correct, so I made the adjustment and calculated the correct time as being 4 something in the morning. ;)
This year I drilled 3 holes in my climbing sticks and 2 in my hang-on stands and ran 8" deck screw into the tree to hold them in place. I've never had anything stolen, but then again I've never leased property before either and seeing the stories here had me worried. I figured if they are going to steal the stands then they are going to work for them.

I really hate thieves and I hope karma bites them in the ass.

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